Afrin people: world states are partners in Turkey’s crimes, particularly Russia

Afrin people expressed their resentment about brutal practice of the Turkish army forces and terrorist gangs against Afrin people and international community is still silent.

Afrin people: world states are partners in Turkey’s crimes, particularly Russia
2 April 2018   04:59


AL-SHAHBA – A number of Afrin people who have been forced to displace from their homes went to al-Shahba canton expressed their resentment about brutal practice of the Turkish occupation in Afrin city, denouncing international silence and said the countries of the world and Russia particular partner in these crimes.

Hawar news agency (ANHA) interviewed a number of Afrin people who talked about brutal practices of the Turkish occupation army and terrorist gangs in Afrin city.

In this regard, Hussein Ahmed Hamo from Dumiliya village said " After occupying Afrin city by the Turkish occupation army and its gangs, they took to looting Afrin people's properties,” Hamo went on “The nations of the world, in their silence on these practices, prove that they partake with the Turkish state all the massacres; looting and killings that took place in Afrin".

Hamo considered Russian state "the leader of the military attack on Afrin" and that it is a partner in the massacres committed by Turkey and partner in the killing of civilians.

Citizen Nazlah Hamo touched on the looting and robbery practiced by the Turkish army and mercenaries saying “The Turkish occupation of Afrin was aimed at theft, looting, vandalism and destruction of civilian homes. This action will not be forgotten by Afrin people, and history will remember it. The Turkish state is outrageous aggressor not only for the land, but also for history and archeology.”

"The Turkish state is repeating the scenario of massacres of their ancestors in the Ottoman state, which was massacring all of humanity," she said, adding that she hoped to return to Afrin soon.

One of the elderly Nazalia Mustafa expressed her resentment at the crimes of the Turkish fascist state and its ally the Russian state on Afrin canton.

In the same context, said Zainab Horick "We, as a people, condemn the crimes and massacres committed by the brutal Turkish state against innocent civilians amid international silence".
