US.official holds Damascus govt. responsible for obstructing implementation of Resolution 2,254

A US State Department official said that the best solution to the Syrian crisis is to implement UN Resolution 2,254, holding the Damascus government responsible for obstructing this resolution.

US.official holds Damascus govt. responsible for obstructing implementation of Resolution 2,254
21 January 2024   16:44

US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Ethan Goldrich, confirmed that the solution to the Syrian crisis lies in implementing UN Resolution 2,254.

He explained that "the only viable solution in Syria is Resolution 2,254, which is supported by the United States," according to what he told the Suwayda24 website.

The American official held the Damascus government responsible for obstructing the implementation of this decision, as he pointed out that “the Assad regime remains the main obstacle to achieving progress towards a political solution to the conflict. The Assad regime must return to negotiations and enable its delegates to negotiate in good faith on behalf of the Syrian people, as is the case.” Set forth in Resolution 2,254 of the UN Security Council.

He explained that "the United States' military presence in Syria is limited to enabling the ongoing campaign against ISIS," stressing that "there has been no change in the United States' military position in Syria," and that the United States is committed to "maintaining our limited presence in northeastern Syria and maintaining... “As part of a comprehensive strategy to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS and Al Qaeda by working with, with, and through the Syrian Democratic Forces and other local partners.”

T/ Satt.