1 Syrian soldier killed, another injured in Turkish shelling

A soldier of the Damascus government forces was killed, and another was injured in the Turkish occupation army’s bombing of the villages of al-Shahba and Shara district.

1 Syrian soldier killed, another injured in Turkish shelling
21 January 2024   17:16

Meanwhile, the Turkish occupation army is bombing Menagh Airport in al-Shahba canton, in conjunction with the bombing of the villages of Maranaz and Alqamiya in the Shara district of the occupied Afrin countryside.

According to the information obtained by ANHA agency, as a result of targeting a point of Damascus government forces in the village of Maranaz, a soldier of the forces was killed and another was injured.

A soldier of the Damascus government forces was killed today, in a Turkish occupation bombing of the village of Tal Rahal in the countryside of the city of al-Bab.

T/ Satt.