Sheikhs, notables: We will repel the occupiers of our lands

Arab tribal sheikhs and notables in Raqqa and Manbij cantons confirmed that the attacks of the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries aim to weaken their resolve and displace them from their land. They explained, We will not allow our land to be occupied before our eyes, and we will fight and defend it.

Sheikhs, notables: We will repel the occupiers of our lands
3 July 2024   04:10

Arab tribal sheikhs and notables in the Raqqa and Manbij cantons of the North and East believe that the Turkish occupation state is seeking to empty the region of its population. They affirmed their steadfastness and solidarity in the face of the Turkish attacks on the region.

Sheikh Fahd Shalash, one of the sheikhs of the Bani Saeed tribe in Manbij canton, explained that, the plan of the Turkish occupation state has been clear since time immemorial. Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, it has escalated its attacks to occupy our land and displace us from it.

Shalash explained that the Turkish occupation state occupied parts of Syrian territory and changed its demographics during the past decade, in addition to plundering its resources.

He stressed the importance of the unity of components and clans in North and East Syria, in order to repel the ongoing Turkish attacks and the plans being hatched against them. He said, We are in one trench.

Fahd Shalash pointed to the need for vigilance and said, We, the clans and the Syrian people in general, must be wary of the strife that the Turkish occupation state is creating among Syrian society, which is playing a dangerous chord that does not harm our interests.

The notable of the Albu Sultan clan in Manbij canton, Sheikh Maher al-Hajj Mohammad, explained that the Turkish occupation state seeks to undermine their existing democratic project in North and East Syria by all means, through attacks and private and economic warfare as well.

Hajj Mohammad affirmed their adherence to their achievements and said, The attacks carried out by the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries aim to weaken our resolve and displace us from our land, and this cannot be achieved. We are part of this land and this revolution, and we will not abandon it, whatever the cost.

Sheikh Maher al-Hajj Mohammad affirmed, We will not allow our land to be occupied before our eyes, and we will fight and defend it. This matter is clear to all components of society. Today, matters have become exposed, and the lurking is exposed by Turkey, which seeks to occupy our country.

For his part, the sheikh of the al-Ali clan in Raqqa canton, Ramadan al-Rahal, said, The Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries are targeting the people, the infrastructure, and the people’s sources of livelihood in front of the world without any deterrent, and this is considered a war crime.

Al-Rahal noted in his speech that Turkey is using all methods of war against the autonomous administration project, and is trying to occupy this land and complete the project that it has embarked on since the beginning of the Syrian crisis.

Sheikh Ramadan al-Rahal confirmed that the sheikhs, clans, and sons of the tribes are the reserve ranks of our military forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and we will continue to defend our land.

In his turn, the notable of the Bureij clan, Sheikh Hussein al-Barjas, condemned the Turkish attacks on North and East Syria, pointing out that these attacks coincide with the success of the Autonomous Administration in all fields, and that these successes cause dissatisfaction with Turkey.

Al-Barjas stressed that the sheikhs and members of the tribes do not accept these violations. They mentioned that the international community and international organizations must put an end to these actions that aim to prevent stability in our regions.

Sheikh Hussein al-Barjas stated, We, the sheikhs and notables of al-Raqqa tribes, stand behind our forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces, defending any occupation or attack on our regions, and we will stand in the face of these attacks until victory is achieved.

The sheikhs and notables of the Arab tribes called on the international community and the UN Security Council to stand with us and support the cause of a people searching for peace for Syria in general.

T/ Satt.