Hawar news agency plan ANHA 4 - 7 - 2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 4 - 7 - 2024
4 July 2024   02:00

Women from Deir ez-Zor canton confirmed that the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan is a blatant violation against political detainees in Turkey, and they explained that its goal is to undermine the will of the people who yearn for freedom and believe in the leader’s thought, but at the same time they stressed the continuation of resistance and struggle until the leader obtains his freedom. physical. (Video and photos attached).

The Secretary-General of the Syrian National Democratic Alliance Party, Ahmed al-Araj, said that the Turkish occupation will not be able to confront all Syrians if they united. (Video and photos attached).

The history of the “al-Shaar” shop extends to more than 55 years without interruption, to be the first and oldest in the world of traditional oriental sweets in Tabqa canton, so that the children can continue their father’s journey at work and preserve every piece of their old shop. (Video and photos attached).

The people of Girkê Legê and Dirk pay their respects to the family of HPG fighter Agri Azadi (Hevrin Farhan) in the village of Gilka in Girkê Legê, at 10.00 (video and photos attached).

The people of the city of al-Shaddadi will carry the body of the martyr from the Internal Security Forces, Mohammad Khalaf al-Dhiyab, to the Martyrs’ Shrine in the city of al-Shaddadi, at 11:00 (video and photos attached).

The Armenian Social Council in Qamishlo is organizing a lecture under the title “Leader Abdullah Ocalan’s relationship with all components and beliefs,” in the Reading Park in the city of Qamishlo, at 11:00 (video and photos attached).

The people of the city of al-Hasakah carry the body of the fighter in the commando forces, Maher al-Abdullah, nom de guerre Welat Barez, to his final resting place in the shrine of the martyr Djawar in the city of al-Hasakah, 18:30 (attached with video and photos).

The activities of the Second Book Fair continue for the third and final day at the Cultural Center in the city of Raqqa (video and photos attached).