Women from Deir ez-Zor: Our struggle continues until the leader gains his physical freedom

Women from Deir ez-Zor canton have confirmed that the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan is a blatant violation of the rights of political detainees in Turkey. They explained that its goal is to undermine the will of the people who yearn for freedom and believe in the leader’s ideology. At the same time, they stressed the continuation of resistance and struggle until the leader regains his physical freedom.

Women from Deir ez-Zor: Our struggle continues until the leader gains his physical freedom
4 July 2024   03:31

In North and East Syria, voices denouncing the absolute isolation imposed by the Turkish authorities on Leader Abdullah Ocalan and cutting off all means of communication with him are rising.

Condemning these violations and the absolute isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan, Khadija al-Abdullah, the co-chair of the information office of the Civil Council for the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor canton, indicated that the continued isolation of the leader reflects systematic political repression that targets the leader and ignores his basic rights.

Khadija noted that the international community’s failure to intervene to end this isolation of the leader “is a betrayal of humanity and the democratic principles that he supports and believes in.”

She explained that there is a direct relationship between international and regional conflicts in the Middle East and the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan. She touched on Leader Abdullah Ocalan’s call to spread the concepts of democracy, freedom, and peace among the peoples of the world and the region, indicating that this is what international systems are combating.

Regarding the international conspiracy that targeted Leader Abdullah Ocalan, Khadija said: “Behind it are capital and dictatorial and authoritarian regimes seeking expansion, influence, and control at the expense of poor and oppressed peoples.”

Khadija called on humanitarian organizations and the Committee against Torture to take up their responsibilities regarding the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan, protect human rights, and oppose any form of torture and cruel treatment against him.

Iman al-Markaz, the deputy co-chairmanship of the Democratic Peoples’ Council in Deir ez-Zor canton, stated that what the Turkish authorities are doing against the leader and thinker Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali prison is a violation of international laws and a crime against humanity. She noted that the isolation imposed on the leader is inconsistent with international legal standards prohibiting such violations.

Iman al-Markaz strongly condemned the isolation imposed on the leader, describing it as “illegitimate and non-transparent.”

She emphasized that women, whether in Deir ez-Zor or northeastern Syria, will continue to organize pressure events to break the isolation of Leader Abdullah Ocalan. They will not withdraw from their demands for his physical freedom.

The last meeting the leader had with his lawyers, Rezan Sarıja and Newroz Uysal, was on August 7, 2019. His last communication with the outside world was on March 25, 2021, during a phone call with his brother Mohammad Ocalan for 5 minutes before the call was cut off.

T/ Satt.