Ahmed al-Araj: occupation will not be able to confront all Syrians if they united

The Secretary-General of the Syrian National Democratic Alliance Party, Ahmed al-Araj, said that the Turkish occupation would not be able to confront all Syrians if they united.

Ahmed al-Araj: occupation will not be able to confront all Syrians if they united
4 July 2024   05:44

The Syrian regions occupied by the Turkish state are experiencing a lack of security and safety, with instances of killing, kidnapping, robbery, and plundering, leading to the establishment of settlements aimed at altering the region's demographics.

The building of 18 settlements and 5 camps was recorded, intending to bring in 648,000 mercenary settlers and their families to alter the demographics of Afrin. On July 1, five people were killed, and fifteen others were injured by gunfire from the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries during popular protests against the Turkish presence in the occupied areas, following statements by Turkish officials about normalizing relations with the Damascus government.

The Secretary-General of the Syrian National Democratic Alliance Party, Ahmed al-Araj, described the happenings in the occupied territories as chaotic.

 al-Araj stressed that the clashes between Israel and Hamas and the tensions between Israel and Iran and Hezbollah have consequences that extend to the areas occupied by Turkey, which exploited the global focus on increasing crimes to enforce change and alter the area's demographics entirely.

Turkey aims to exploit the capabilities of the Syrian and Iraqi populations.

 Al-Araj clarified that the occupying state's strategy revolves around leveraging crises to advance its policies and undermine the capabilities of the people, particularly the Syrians and Iraqis.

Al-Araj confirmed that Turkish President Erdogan's actions are part of the Misak-ı Millî to weaken the security and stability of numerous peoples, transcending the limits of the Misak-ı Millî with interventions in various Arab, African, and other countries.

He asserted that the Turkish occupation state openly backs mercenaries as a means of expansion and manipulation.

Political Islam serves as Turkey's tool for exacerbating people's suffering.

Al-Araj noted that the Turkish occupation has transformed Afrin into a place of endless tragedy post-occupation, with crimes against children, women, nature, antiquities, and valuables, aiming at destruction and theft.

According to recent statistics, during the six-year occupation of Afrin, 706 individuals were killed, with over 9,008 civilians, including 1,200 women and 600 children, kidnapped. Additionally, hundreds of kidnapped women faced rape and sexual assault.

Al-Araj mentioned that the Turkish regime exploits political Islam to incite conflicts among peoples and factions, perpetuating these conflicts to ensure their continuance.

He expressed hope for Arab nations to pressure Qatar and Kuwait to end support for the Turkish regime and change their policies towards the Syrian people, particularly the Kurds.

Al-Araj emphasized the need for dialogue to achieve stability.

Ahmed al-Araj highlighted an underlying Turkish-Iranian conflict in Aleppo and reiterated Turkey's ambitions for occupying the city. He underlined that the optimal resolution to the Syrian crisis involves addressing internal issues and convening a national conference on Syrian soil through Syrian-Syrian dialogue to draft a new constitution promoting the dignity of all Syrians and addressing war-induced problems.

The Secretary-General of the Syrian National Democratic Alliance Party emphasized that Turkey cannot withstand all Syrians if they unite.

He asserted that a political solution in Syria depends on Syrian will, predicting that new year will bring unforeseen developments for the Syrian populace.

T/ Satt.