20 killed, injured by Turkish occupation army in occupied areas

The death toll from Turkish military gunfire in occupied areas of Syria has risen to 5, with 15 others injured, due to popular protests against the Turkish occupation presence.

20 killed, injured by Turkish occupation army in occupied areas
2 July 2024   13:16

Recent policies of the Turkish occupation state and its efforts to reconcile with the Damascus government have sparked tensions in the areas it occupies in Syria.

Videos circulated on social media showing Syrian youth lowering the Turkish flag from atop the Civil Registry building in the occupied city of Azaz in northern rural Aleppo. Similar actions were seen in other Syrian towns and villages under Turkish occupation, including the Ghandoora area in rural Afrin, where individuals from Syrian armed groups also removed Turkish flags. The Turkish occupation forces responded to these protests with live ammunition.

Local sources reported that the shooting by the occupation army resulted in the deaths of at least 5 people and serious injuries to 15 others. The Turkish occupation army refused to allow the wounded to be treated in Turkish hospitals.

The Documentation Center for Violations published the names of the 5 youths who were killed in the protests in the area yesterday. They are: "Luay Saab from the eastern Ghouta, from the city of Douma in the countryside of Damascus, Wael Surur from the eastern Ghouta, from the town of Al-Qaysa, Talal Amira from the eastern Ghouta, from the city of Jobar, Mahmoud Hamoud and Bilal Jamous from the eastern Ghouta, from the town of Al-Mleiha."

 "The Turks are traitors"

Protests spread to the majority of the occupied Syrian cities in the countryside of Aleppo and Idlib, where cities like Al-Atarib and Al-Ibbzmo in western rural Aleppo witnessed similar protests. The Turkish flag was lowered and people gathered demanding the withdrawal of the Turkish occupation army from their country. Syrian youth also closed roads and crossings to Turkish commercial trucks. Citizens gathered in front of what is called the "Turkish governor's office" in the occupied city of Afrin, raising slogans against the Turkish occupation, including "The Turks are traitors, you will sell us to Bashar al-Assad, we fear only God," referring to Erdogan's statements about the possibility of restoring relations with the Damascus government.

In a separate incident, a group of Turkish border guards ("gendarmes") fired live ammunition at protesters who stormed the border crossing at Jarablus, without reports of human or material losses.

In an escalation, Turkish authorities closed all border crossings with Syria, totaling three, and cut off the internet network in the occupied areas.

Within Turkey, Syrian citizens reported being attacked by Turkish fascists in cities such as Mersin, Reyhanli, Adana, Antakya, Konya, and Istanbul. Additionally, fascists set fire to Syrian-owned businesses in neighborhoods across those cities.
