Turkish occupation mercenaries cut down 50 fruit trees

Turkish occupation mercenaries cut down 50 fruit trees in the occupied city of Afrin.

Turkish occupation mercenaries cut down 50 fruit trees
21 July 2024   14:45

A local source from occupied Afrin reported that the Turkish occupation mercenaries, the Al-Sham Legion, and settlers from the town of Maarshurin in the countryside of the occupied city of Idlib cut down 50 olive and almond trees, owned by two citizens of the Matina village in the city of Sharan in occupied Afrin.

The source mentioned the names of the 2 citizens:

Bahri Muhammad, and the mercenaries cut down 35 olive trees that belonged to him.

And Muhammad Issa, and the mercenaries cut down 11 olive trees and 4 almond trees that belonged to him.

The crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries against humans, stones, and nature continue in occupied Afrin, to change its demographics and displace the remaining original inhabitants ther.
