YPJ announces readiness to fight ISIS in S. Kurdistan inspired by Kobani victories

The Women's Protection Units (YPJ) have announced that they are prepared to protect S. Kurdistan and Iraq from ISIS mercenaries, following Turkey's transfer of these mercenaries to the region. They aim to achieve a victory similar to what the YPJ, Peshmerga, and international revolutionaries accomplished together in Kobani. "With the spirit of Kobani, we must protect Kurdistan, Iraq, and the Middle East," they declared.

YPJ announces readiness to fight ISIS in S. Kurdistan inspired by Kobani victories
21 July 2024   12:12

Today, the YPJ, represented by member of the General Command, Sozdar Dirik, spokesperson Roksan Mohamed, and dozens of female fighters, made a statement in front of the Naeem Roundabout in the center of Raqqa, regarding reports that Turkey is transferring hundreds of ISIS mercenaries to S. Kurdistan to fight against the Guerrillas.

The statement read as follows:

"Today, our regions and even the entire world are subjected to severe denial and extermination attacks. Humanity is in a major crisis. Typically, we see a broad front of genocide, rape, and violence against women and peoples demanding freedom, justice, and democracy.

The massacres committed by ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Şengal, Kurdistan, and various European countries remain vivid in the public consciousness and global opinion. Arab, Kurdish, Christian, and Yazidi people, along with all nationalities, face extermination attacks.

We, the Women's Protection Units (YPJ), have resisted and fought bravely against the barbarity of ISIS mercenaries. Despite losing thousands of our comrades as martyrs, we fought and resisted with determination and succeeded in defeating ISIS, bringing security and stability to the people of the region.

Regrettably, we now see that the Turkish occupation state, which attacks our regions and S. Kurdistan daily, has paved the way for ISIS to establish itself in Zakho, Duhok, and Amadiya to fight the Guerrillas in the mountains of Zap, Metina, and all areas of S. Kurdistan.

In this manner, Turkey is trying to annex and occupy S. Kurdistan, just as it did with Rojava, incorporating it into its territory. Today, Turkey aims to annex and occupy S. Kurdistan through ISIS mercenaries and the treacherous partnership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and its mercenaries, Zervan and Kolan.

ISIS, which committed major massacres against people and attacked and raped women with brutality, selling them in markets, is now based in our occupied regions of Afrin, Azaz, Al-Bab, Tal Abyad, and Serê Kaniyê, being armed and funded by Turkey. From there, these mercenaries are directed to Kurdistan, the Middle East, and various parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Therefore, we must understand that transferring ISIS mercenaries to S. Kurdistan and Iraq aims to annex, occupy, and commit new massacres.

The whole world knows that the Guerrilla forces protected Şengal, Kerkuk, Makhmour, Hawler, and the entire Iraqi people from ISIS terrorism. So, how can ISIS be transferred to these areas to fight the Guerrillas of freedom? The people of Southern Kurdistan and Iraq know well that Barzani himself called the Guerrilla forces to protect Erbil from the savagery of ISIS. So, how can Barzani allow ISIS mercenaries to pass into S. Kurdistan to fight the Guerrilla forces?

The honorable Peshmerga fought Saddam’s fascism and dictatorship for many years to protect their land. Therefore, they should understand that today’s war has the same goal, and accordingly, they should not accept the partnership of Barzani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which opens its doors to ISIS mercenaries.

In Kobani, we, the honorable Peshmerga, who came from S. Kurdistan, and the international revolutionaries fought side by side against ISIS and managed to defeat them. Therefore, we must unite with the spirit of Kobani and protect all of Kurdistan, Iraq, and the entire Middle East.

Undoubtedly, dozens of political parties in S. Kurdistan and Iraq have condemned this occupation, and the Arab tribes in Iraq have expressed valuable stances against it. However, this stance must transform into a significant organization to stop this Turkish occupation movement and prevent the resurgence of ISIS. Therefore, the central government of Iraq and the government of the S. Kurdistan region must not be partners in this humanitarian crime. They must immediately expel the ISIS mercenaries and the Turkish occupation army from these sacred lands.

The entire world must recognize this danger and know that the massacres committed in Iran, Russia, Paris, Germany, Africa, and Europe are managed from Ankara under Erdogan's direction and the Turkish intelligence. The Turkish state’s policy based on extermination and occupation proves that Erdogan’s mentality is that of ISIS, and Erdogan exploits ISIS terrorism as a dangerous front against all the peoples of the Middle East and the world.

Therefore, the whole world must stand with the Kurdish Guerrilla forces and take a firm stance against this global crime. The Guerrilla forces stood against ISIS in Şengal, Rojava, Kerkuk, Makhmour, and Hawler and prevented new massacres in the region. Remaining silent about this war means agreeing to commit new massacres and genocides in the Middle East and the world.

Therefore, we confirm and say:

- The peoples of S. Kurdistan and Iraq must jointly take a stance against ISIS mercenaries and resist strongly to expel Turkish fascism from their lands.

- We call on all honorable Peshmerga forces to stand against ISIS massacres and the Turkish occupation and take their place in the front lines of resistance and struggle.

- We also call on the central government of Iraq and the S. Kurdistan regional government to immediately stop this occupation.

- All the peoples of the region living together on these lands, especially the Arab, Kurdish, and Turkmen people, must stand with great determination and resist Erdogan’s Ottoman ambitions.

- All the peoples of the world, from East to West, must fulfill their humanitarian duties and stand against ISIS terrorism and Erdogan’s fascism, taking a firm stance.

- All international institutions and forces must stand against ISIS attacks and the Turkish occupation's fascism and demand the expulsion of these occupying forces from S. Kurdistan. Otherwise, ISIS terrorism will spread everywhere again.

- The women’s front, the essential constructive force of life, must be the strongest against these attacks. Therefore, we call on the women of S. Kurdistan and Iraq in particular, and all women of the world, to stand together with one spirit and one voice against all forms of occupation and extermination.

In the end, we, the YPJ forces, who fought ISIS for many years until we defeated it, will not accept the return of ISIS mercenaries to these lands to kill humanity again. We will also take our stance at the right time against these annexation and occupation attacks and reject the re-establishment of ISIS in the region in any form.

We, the Women's Protection Units, with our Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs, Turkmen, Chaldeans, and Circassians, along with our international fighters who came from different parts of the world to Rojava and ended ISIS occupation together, will protect all women and peoples with the spirit of the July 19 revolution, which is the revolution of women and all humanity. We are also ready to protect our people in S. Kurdistan and Iraq if needed. Wherever ISIS terrorism exists, we will be in the front lines of resistance and struggle.

Long live the unity and resistance of the peoples

Long live the unity and resistance of women

Long live the revolutionary international spirit

Down with fascism and betrayal

No to annexation and occupation policies.”
