KNK calls Kurdish People to support DAA

On the occasion of the anniversary of the July 19 revolution, the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) called on Kurdish people to support the revolution in NE Syria and its Autonomous Administration from attacks of the occupiers.

KNK calls Kurdish People to support DAA
19 July 2024   17:53

The Executive Council of the KNK issued a written statement on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the July 19 Revolution. 

"The Kurds in Syria managed to to organize their ranks, starting from Kobani to Derik, and took upon themselves the responsibility of protecting cities, towns, villages, and farms" the KNK said.

The statement pointed to the Turkish attacks on NE Syria which resulted in the displacement of citizens and the occupation of other areas, then the occupiers began policies of demographic change in their-held areas.

The statement praised the struggle and resistance of the people of NE Syria and the Autonomous Administration, despite all the attacks.

The KNK's statement slammed the position of the Damascus government by saying: the regime in Damascus ignores all the reasonable and democratic demands and proposals of the Autonomous Administration, regarding achieving democracy in all parts of Syria. Furthermore, there is an ongoing regional and international effort to bring the Turkish and Syrian states closer together and create an alliance between both states against the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and the gains of our people.”

The statement congratulated "the people of Kurdistan and all political, administrative, security and military administrations on the 12th anniversary of the founding of the Autonomous Administration."

The statement called on the Kurds and Kurdistanis to provide support to defend the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, and stressed, "Let us support the DAA against attacks and occupiers."
