Girkê Legê people: guerrilla fighters protect us

The people of Girkê Legê in al-Jazira canton praised the heroic resistance shown by the fighters of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) in confronting the Turkish occupation attacks, and affirmed their support for them “because they protect our dignity and pride.”

Girkê Legê people: guerrilla fighters protect us
21 July 2024   03:01

The people of North and East Syria take to the streets on a daily basis to protest the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the Turkish occupation’s attacks on the defense zones, with the participation and complicity of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

The people of the city of Girkê Legê denounced the Turkish attacks against the defense zones in the media. Zilan Roj, the mother of fighters in the Free Women’s Units-Star, Brittan Zilan and Helen Beritan, said: “The guerrilla fighters have been fighting for 45 years for the Kurdish cause and the freedom of peoples. They protect our pride and dignity and resist in order to build a free homeland for us.”

Zilan Roj denounced the Kurdistan Democratic Party's participation with the Turkish occupation in launching attacks on the Guerrilla forces, and stressed that what the KDP is doing is a shameful strain of its history.

Citizen Idris Mulla Sharif said: Guerrilla fighters are our presence and our hope, because they struggle for humanity, protecting the dignity of communities, and achieving justice for them. Without them, we would not exist, because the people of the region were facing plans of genocide and denial by enemies who do not recognize our existence, and are trying in every way to obliterate our identity and history.'

Mulla Sharif stressed that, “The Guerrilla is the only force capable of preserving our dignity, achieving social justice, and building a prosperous future full of freedom and democracy.”

Mulla Sharif explained, “The history of the Kurdistan Democratic Party is full of betrayals and working for foreign agendas in order to eliminate the Kurdish issue. It is a cancerous cell in the body of the nation that we must eradicate.”

 “The goal of the Turkish occupation state and its agents is clear, which is to occupy all of Kurdistan and achieve the Mîsâk-ı Millî. Therefore, we will not surrender and will not allow anyone to occupy our land, and we will remain in the covenant with the guerrilla forces,” Mulla Sharif pointed out.

Citizen Narishan Barakat, mother of YPJ martyr Rokun Rojava, agreed with Idris that the guerrilla are struggling and resisting in the Mediya defense areas in order to achieve a decent life based on social justice, and that they must realize this and stand up to the plans that are being hatched against them.

 “Narishan Barakat denounced the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s participation with the Turkish occupation in launching attacks on the guerrilla forces in the mediya defense areas. She addressed the Kurdistan Democratic Party by saying: “You must be well aware that you are a tool in the hands of the Turkish occupation, and when it achieves its goals, it will eliminate you.”

I pledged to continue the path of martyrs in accordance with the approach and thought of Leader Abdullah Ocalan.”