Message from Afrin, Shahba canton calling for holding child killers accountable

Local civil society organizations in Afrin and al-Shahba canton sent a joint statement to international organizations, calling for holding child killers accountable and for pressure to spare children from conflicts and disputes. This message comes in light of the killing of Syrian children in an Israeli bombing in southern Lebanon and another child killed by the Turkish occupation army.

Message from Afrin, Shahba canton calling for holding child killers accountable
21 July 2024   16:45

The Child Rights Office and the Sterk Organization in Afrin and al-Shahba canton issued a joint statement regarding the killing of Syrian children in an Israeli bombing in southern Lebanon and the Turkish army's killing of a child in the Syrian-occupied city of Azaz. In their statement, they called for the protection of children.

Three Syrian children were killed in an Israeli raid in southern Lebanon on July 16 in the latest development in the confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah, as reported by the Lebanese National News Agency.

According to local sources from North and East Syria, the children were from the cities of Afrin and Azaz, areas whose people were displaced due to the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in the region.

The joint statement was delivered in the town of al-Ahdath in front of the Child Protection Office in Afrin and al-Shahba canton by a member of the office, Amina Muhammad. Several children also participated, raising the slogan of the office and the organization and chanting No to killing children.

The statement denounced the targeting of children by Israel and Turkey and highlighted the ongoing violations against Syrian children irrespective of the perpetrator. It also emphasized the continued suffering of the Syrian people due to the Syrian crisis.

The statement confirmed the deaths of three children in Lebanon due to the Israeli bombing in southern Lebanon and identified them as “Jan and Shaheen Sharkas and Khalil Muhammad Khalil.” It also mentioned that the Turkish occupation army killed another Syrian child in Azaz, a city occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries.

The statement urged human rights organizations concerned with child protection to hold those responsible for killing children accountable and to work diligently to shield children from the conflicts and turmoil prevalent in the world.

T/ Satt..