Notables of Arab Tribes call for unity against Turkish occupation in Syria, Iraq

 Arab tribes expressed their rejection of the Turkish occupation attacks on Southern Kurdistan, and called on the Arab tribes in Iraq to address the Arab League to put an end to the attacks, confirming that the PKK is a liberation force.

Notables of Arab Tribes call for unity against Turkish occupation in Syria, Iraq
18 July 2024   04:10

On July 16, the Iraqi tribes condemned the ongoing attacks by the Turkish occupation army on Iraq’s sovereignty, and held the authorities in Southern Kurdistan and the Iraqi federal government responsible for the occupation of Iraqi territories, and expressed their support for People's Defense Forces.

Sheikhs and notables of Arab tribes in Syria-Iraq confirm that Turkey is an occupying country, and it's goal is to displace the indigenous population of the region and undermine the economy, security, and stability in Syria and Iraq, which is one of the old Ottoman ambitions.

Sheikh Alaa al-Din bin Sheikh Ahmed, the sheikh of the Al-Sada Al-Hayali Clan in Syria, pointed out that the ambitions of the Turkish occupation state are to displace the indigenous people in the region and occupy more lands.

Alaa al-Din stressed that the Arab tribes in NE Syria and Iraq stand against Turkish ambitions and its colonial policies.

Hussein Al-Sada, the leader of the Arab Bani Saba clan, noted that Turkey is an occupying country and cannot be described otherwise. 

 “The PKK is a liberation force made up of the sons and daughters of the region, and it has made great sacrifices to protect the Syrian and Iraqi people.” Hussein Al-Sada said.

He called on the Arab tribes in Iraq to address the Arab League to put an end to Turkish interference in the affairs of neighboring countries and to stop its occupations.

 “If Turkey continues this policy, then the fighting against it is a national and moral duty in Syria or Iraq" Hussein Al-Sada added.

“Let Syrians know that Turkey is recruiting them to serve its policy. So they must be aware of what is happening in addition to that the Damascus government must know that Turkey destroyed Syria that is why Damascus government should not negotiate with it”
