AANES reveals the numbers of beneficiaries of its general amnesty

The co-chair of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria revealed the numbers of beneficiaries of the administration's general amnesty, the stages of their release, and its purpose.

AANES reveals the numbers of beneficiaries of its general amnesty
22 July 2024   18:04

The People's Democratic Council in the North and East Syria region issued a general amnesty on the 17th of July. The amnesty came as a translation of the outcomes of the "Second National Unity Forum for Syrian Clans and Components", which was held in the city of Hasakah on the 25th of last May.

Regarding the occasion of the amnesty, those included in the general administration’s pardon, their number, the stages of their release, and its purpose, ANHA's agency met with the co-chair of the Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Hussein Othman.

At the beginning, Othman touched on the reasons that called for the amnesty to be issued: “The Democratic Autonomous Administration issued this pardon, as a translation of the outcomes of the Second National Unity Forum for Syrian Clans and Components.”

He stated that the amnesty was preceded by the holding of many meetings and communication between the institutions of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, which resulted in the possibility of issuing an amnesty to some of those involved, but whose hands were not stained with the blood of the Syrians.

Othman said, explaining: "This amnesty is the first of its kind in the areas of the Democratic Autonomous Administration regarding groups in accordance with the Terrorism Law and the General Penal Code. These were those who were released without the blood of Syrians on their hands."

The total number of beneficiaries of the amnesty reaches 1,512 people, including 60 women, who will be released in two stages, according to what was revealed by the joint president, Hussein Othman.

Explaining the first phase, Othman said: “In the first phase, 1,112 people will be released, in batches, starting with the detainees in Raqqa prison, followed by the release of those in the prisons of al-Jazira canton, and the last batch will be for detainees in the prisons of the Euphrates District and the Manbij canton.”

Regarding the second stage, he said: “The second stage includes the release of 400 people, who were included in the amnesty law for half the sentence, and they will be released at a later time,” without revealing a specific time.

Hussein Othman pointed out the goal of the Democratic Autonomous Administration DAA, and the reasons that prompted this amnesty to be issued, saying: “The purpose of the amnesty is to give those who were released an opportunity to integrate and become active in society.”

T/ Satt.