Public outrage over Turkish attacks on S. Kuristan

The people of Al-Darbasiyah in Jazira Canton expressed their extreme anger at what they described as a " Turkey's new colonization" of a Kurdistan with the involvement of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and they called on Kurds people to resist the occupation attacks.

Public outrage over Turkish attacks on S. Kuristan
23 July 2024   04:10

The Turkish occupation state continues to launch intense attacks against the regions of Southern Kurdistan, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party is handing over several villages and towns to the Turkish occupation army for setting up new military bases.

The citizen Shaha Sheikhi said that the goal of the Turkish occupation state in concluding agreements and launching attacks on Southern Kurdistan is to eliminate the Kurdish people and end the Guerrilla.

 “The Guerilla are the sons and daughters of this people, and we will not accept harming them and we will support them until the last breath" Shaha Sheikhi said.

 Adnan Muhammad slammed the inaction of the Iraqi government by saying:" Supporting the Turkish attacks on Guerrilla by Barzani family is unacceptable.”

"The Guerrilla has been fighting for decades for freedom of people and the protection of their rights" he added.

The citizen Fawza Youssef indicated that all the attacks launched by the Turkish occupation state against the Kurdish people are an extension of the international conspiracy that targeted the leader Abdullah Ocalan, adding that Turkey is seeking to achieve its ambitions in the region by keeping the leader away from his people.

Fawza saw the new Turkish basis bases in Southern Kurdistan, as "a new colonialism"
