"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka

Hundreds of residents from cities including Hasaka, Tal Tamer, Tal Brak, and displaced from Serê Kaniyê, residing in camps like Washo Kani and Serê Kaniyê, demanded the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan during a mass march. They affirmed escalating their struggle until achieving it, "because he is the compass for those lost from the truth."

"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
"Leader Ocalan is compass for truth" during mass march in Hasaka
23 June 2024   13:44

Kongra Star organized a mass march in Hasaka city under the slogan "Freedom for Leader APO is a guarantee for the freedom of peoples and peace in the Middle East," with the participation of hundreds of residents from Hasaka, Tal Tamer, Tal Brak, and displaced people from occupied Serê Kaniyê residing in Washo Kani and Serê Kaniyê camps.

The march was part of the global campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, Solution to the Kurdish Issue," which began from 74 centers around the world in October last year, demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan.

The protest condemning the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan and demanding his freedom began from Sinalco Roundabout in Tal Hajar neighborhood. It marched along the main street leading to Nasra neighborhood, echoing chants calling for the leader's freedom. Participants carried his pictures and banners with slogans such as "Freedom for Leader APO is our freedom, and Guerrilla struggle is our struggle," and "Freedom for Leader APO and a political solution to the Kurdish issue."

Upon reaching the Leader's Park in the Nasra neighborhood, the march turned into a mass gathering, where participants observed a moment of silence. Member of the Kongra Star Coordination in Rojava, Shiraz Hamou, delivered a speech highlighting that "this national stand and demand for democracy, justice, and equality are products of the leader Ocalan's ideology and philosophy, which serves as the compass for those lost from the truth hidden from societies aspiring for freedom."

She added, "We are currently engaged in our campaign demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan and a political solution to the Kurdish issue, which represents a pivotal issue in the Middle East."

She urged the region's people to "escalate their struggle and remain in the squares, condemning the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan until achieving his physical freedom."

On his part, member of the General Council of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Abdulghani Oso, delivered a speech clarifying that "Leader Abdullah Ocalan is not just a leader for the Kurdish people, but he is a leader for all peoples aspiring for freedom. Through his ideology and philosophy, he opens the path for peoples to struggle and demand their rights, and his project is the project of the democratic nation."

He added, "Enemies of the Kurds and freedom always try to distance us from the leader and his ideology, so we must escalate our struggle to achieve our goals in achieving his physical freedom."

The march concluded with chants of "No life without the leader.”