Iranian authorities set date for Kurdish activist's second hearing

Iranian authorities have scheduled the second session in the case of Kurdish activist Warisha Moradi for August 4.

Iranian authorities set date for Kurdish activist's second hearing
29 July 2024   15:35

The Kurdish Human Rights Organization announced that the second trial session for the Kurdish political prisoner and human rights activist Warisha Moradi will be held on August 4 at Evin Prison in the 15th Branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran.

The date for the second session has been set to review the charges against Warisha Moradi, while her lawyers have been unable to access and review the case. She has also been denied the right to contact and meet with her family and lawyers since May 6.

Warisha Moradi was arrested in the city of Sana in Eastern Kurdistan on August 1, 2023. After two weeks of interrogation in the Intelligence Department, she was transferred to Wing 209 of Evin Prison. During this period, she was subjected to pressure and torture to obtain forced confessions in order to faces charges of "betrayal." After five months, she was transferred to the women’s section of Evin Prison.

The first trial session for Warisha Moradi was held on June 16 at Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court, where she was not allowed to defend herself.

On September 26, the Free Women's System of Eastern Kurdistan issued a statement regarding the arrest of activist Warisha Moradi, calling on international human rights organizations to take action regarding "forced disappearance" and "scenarios involving security institutions."

It is worth noting that Warisha Moradi suffers from several health issues, including joint and back pain, and can only walk with difficulty. She has experienced significant weight loss since her arrest and fell ill, requiring two transfers to a hospital outside the prison. However, no specialized treatment was provided, and she was only examined by hospital doctors.