Violent clashes erupted among Turkish occupation mercenaries

The crimes of the Turkish occupation mercenaries continue in the occupied territories, as the occupied city of Afrin witnessed violent clashes among the Turkish occupation mercenaries in dispute over the theft of olive fields, which led to the injury of a number of mercenaries.

Violent clashes erupted among Turkish occupation mercenaries
4 September 2024   11:53

Violent clashes broke out yesterday, September 3, among the mercenaries of "Sultan Suleiman Shah - Al-Amshat, Al-Hamzat" on the one hand, and the mercenaries of "Sultan Murad" led by "Adnan al-Khuwaylid / Abu Walid al-Ezzi" on the other hand, in the villages of Okan and Qastal Miqdad, in the town of Bulbila in occupied Afrin, as a result of previous disputes over the theft of olive fields seized by "Abu Walid al-Ezzi".

Local sources indicated that the mercenaries of "Al-Hamzat" tried to seize by force the property of the people of the village of Qastal Miqdad, who were forcibly displaced, prompting the mercenaries of "Sultan Murad" to shoot them in order to seize them as well, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes, in which heavy and medium machine guns and RPGs were used; It resulted in the injury of a number of mercenaries from both sides.

The information stated that the mercenaries of "Al-Hamzat" took control of a checkpoint and a military point for the mercenaries of "Sultan Murad", after the mercenaries of "Al-Amshat" sent reinforcements to support them.

Clashes continue between the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation to seize the property of the displaced in the areas they occupy, not to mention the continuation of chaos, insecurity, killing and looting on an almost daily basis. 
