Protests against Turkish occupation, its mercenaries in Idlib and Aleppo countrysides

Angry protests continue against the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in the occupied areas, with several regions in the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo witnessing demonstrations demanding an end to crimes and violations against the local population.

Protests against Turkish occupation, its mercenaries in Idlib and Aleppo countrysides
3 September 2024   13:19

Dozens of residents in the city of Kafr Takharim in the Idlib countryside protested against the Turkish occupation's mercenaries, marching through the city's streets and calling for the overthrow of the "security apparatus and the release of detainees." Similarly, demonstrations took place in the Atmeh camps in the Idlib countryside and the village of Al-Sahara in the Aleppo countryside, with the same demands.

The areas occupied by the Turkish state and its mercenaries are witnessing almost daily protests against the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, calling for the overthrow of "Abu Muhammad al-Jolani" and an end to the crimes and violations against the local population, in addition to rejecting the rapprochement between the Turkish state and the Damascus government.

These protests also see the participation of women, who face systematic repression by the Turkish occupation's mercenaries in the occupied areas, particularly in their participation in protests and other aspects of life such as work and education.