HRE: 20 Turkish soldiers and mercenaries killed in occupied Afrin

The operation carried out by the Afrin Liberation Forces in the village of Basla/Baslahaya in occupied Afrin resulted in the killing of 12 soldiers from the Turkish occupation army and 8 mercenaries, and the injury of 25 soldiers and mercenaries, in addition to the martyrdom of 5 fighters in the Afrin Liberation Forces.

HRE: 20 Turkish soldiers and mercenaries killed in occupied Afrin
1 February 2024   17:05

The Afrin Liberation Forces issued a written statement about the operation carried out by the forces, that reads:

From the first day of the occupation of Afrin until now, the Turkish occupation state and the extremist ISIS mercenaries continue to pursue policies of genocide and commit massacres against the people of Afrin. The occupation forces, which displaced hundreds of thousands of our people from their homes, constantly attack our people. As the enemy that killed thousands of our people continues its attacks and insult to our sacred values, and they are pursuing genocidal policies against the Kurds in Afrin and its villages and committing crimes against humanity. They are kidnapping people in those areas and trying to silence them by intimidating them and instilling fear in their hearts. In addition to all these practices and violations, the occupiers also cut down olive trees that have been planted for centuries and constitute a major source of income for the people of the region.

The occupiers' attacks are not limited to the people of Afrin only, as they are continuing their attacks on the IDPs of Afrin as well, as the people of Afrin who were displaced to the vicinity of Aleppo and Shahba are exposed to attacks by jihadist mercenaries, and ground and air bombardment, and these attacks have resulted in hundreds of our people losing their lives.

The enemy has escalated its attacks on our regions during the recent period, and the air attacks in particular resulted in the martyrdom of dozens of our citizens, including women and children. These crimes are being committed in front of the eyes of the entire world, without any forces objecting to them.”

The statement continued, pointing out that the Afrin Liberation Forces respond to the attacks and carry out operations against the occupier as forces defending the people. It revealed that in the context of these operations, Afrin Liberation Forces fighters carried out, on the 30th of last January, a large-scale operation against Turkish occupation army base in the village of Basla/Baslahaya in the Sherawa district of occupied Afrin, and provided this information about it:

“Our comrades who attacked the enemy with great courage dealt painful blows to the enemy forces, this operation resulted in the killing of 12 soldiers from the Turkish occupation army and 8 of its mercenaries, and the wounding of 8 soldiers from the Turkish occupation army and 17 mercenaries, in addition to the destruction of the Dushka weapon, a heavy weapons site, 2 surveillance cameras, and 18 sites.

5 fighters martyred

The statement revealed the martyrdom of 5 fighters from the Afrin Liberation Forces during the operation and concluded by saying: “Our comrades attacked the enemy with a guerrilla act, fought bravely and rose to the rank of martyrdom. The identities of our martyred comrades will be revealed to public opinion later.”
