SDC calls on Syrians, their political forces for national conference

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) has called on all Syrians, particularly their political forces, to convene a comprehensive national conference to establish foundations for Syria's liberation and solution. They emphasized that "responsible and open dialogue is the way to assert the Syrian people's vision on the international stage, serving as the cornerstone for any project aimed at a solution."

SDC calls on Syrians, their political forces for national conference
2 July 2024   12:26

In a statement to the public today, the SDC addressed Turkey's attempts to restore relations with Damascus at the expense of the Syrian people's interests and aspirations, stating:

"The Syrian people reaffirm daily that their revolution is one of dignity and freedom, stemming from their shared destiny and unified goals. The slogans of the uprisings in Al-Suwayda, Idlib, and the areas under Turkish occupation resonate with the same objectives and messages."

The SDC saluted the "resilience and uprisings of Syrians everywhere" in their statement, considering their legitimate goals and demands as the compass for their struggle and political actions.

They stressed that "any attempt to resolve the Syrian crisis that overlooks the rights and demands of the Syrian people is doomed to fail and is morally and politically bankrupt."

The Council noted that the Turkish government's attempts to restore relations with Damascus, at the expense of the Syrian people's interests, aspirations, and sacrifices, and its use of some Syrians as fuel for its own projects and agendas, underscore that the salvation and proactive engagement of the Syrians can only be achieved through their unity, cooperation, and overcoming of their differences in favor of a comprehensive national Syrian project.

They affirmed, "The Syrian people are the starting point and endpoint of our political work. Their demands for freedom and dignity guide and shape our attitudes and actions. We support every uprising against oppression, tyranny, and racism."

The Council reiterated the resolutions of the SDC's fourth conference and its motto, "The unity of Syrians is the basis for the solution," expressing their readiness for dialogue and willingness to meet with all national Syrian parties, considering it a top priority and an indispensable lifeline.

They emphasized, "The recent events in Northern Syria and in refugee-hosting countries clearly demonstrate that Syrians can only rely on each other for support and strength. Our destiny must be forged by our own hands, and our strength lies in our unity."

In conclusion, the Syrian Democratic Council welcomed "all Syrians seeking safety and stability, and all political forces striving for independence and breaking the chains of dependency, because Syria belongs to all Syrians. Responsible and open national dialogue is the way to overcome our tragedy and assert the Syrian people's vision on the international stage as the foundation for any project aimed at a solution."

They called on "Syrian political forces to rise to their responsibilities concerning the fate of our people and our country, and urged all Syrians, especially their political forces, to convene a comprehensive national conference to lay the foundations for Syria's liberation and resolution."
