Kikan tribe leader outlines steps of preventing Kurdish infighting

The prominent figure of the Kikan tribe and the chief of the Sarokhan clan has expressed the tribe’s refusal to allow the Democratic Party forces and the Peshmerga Roj to engage in combat with the People's Defense Forces (HPG). He elaborated on the steps the tribe will take in the coming phase to limit such actions, emphasizing the focus on communicating with all parties except the Kurdish National Council (ENKS).

Kikan tribe leader outlines steps of preventing Kurdish infighting
2 July 2024   11:03

 On Monday, the dignitaries and elders of Kurdish tribes in Jazera Canton sent a message condemning betrayal and the Turkish occupation state's attacks on Southern Kurdistan. They stated that fighting against the Guerrilla forces is a significant act of treason. They also called on the so-called "Peshmerga Roj" members to return and urged political parties and forces to fulfill their responsibilities.

Regarding the actions that Kurdish tribes will undertake after sending this message and appeal, particularly concerning the families of the so-called "Peshmerga Roj," Mousa Saadon, prominent Kikan tribe leader and chief of the Sarokhan clan, emphasized continued communication with the Peshmerga Roj.

In a statement to ANHA agency during a press conference yesterday, he said: "We oppose fratricide and will not accept any Kurdish bullets being fired at other Kurds. This is unacceptable, and it’s what we have always strived for and will continue to pursue. Today, we sent a message, and we will continue offering advice and making appeals through communication to prevent our youth from falling into the traps of the enemies of our Kurdish people," referring to ongoing dialogue with members of the so-called "Peshmerga Roj."

As for the next steps for the Sarokhan clan and the Kikan tribe in communicating with the so-called "Kurdish National Council (ENKS)" and the Democratic Party, which have been involved in arming Rojava’s youth and using them to serve the Turkish occupation state against the Kurds, Mousa Saadon noted that their efforts will focus on engaging with the Democratic Party officials and officers, as well as authorities in Southern Kurdistan, excluding the ENKS.

He explained his refusal to engage with the so-called "Kurdish National Council," citing their failure to achieve the Kurdish people's goals in Rojava, stating: "Regarding political parties, I was previously involved with the Kurdish National Council, but they have shown that they know nothing and can't achieve anything. Therefore, we will not communicate with them or visit them at all."
