Seven people died in protests against the Turkish occupation

The death toll from the anti-Turkish occupation protests in northern Syria has risen to seven individuals.

Seven people died in protests against the Turkish occupation
2 July 2024   17:27

A medical source and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights informed AFP about this development today.

Hundreds of people participated in demonstrations against the Turkish occupation in northwestern Syria, expressing their anger over the violence inflicted by Turkish extremists on Syrian refugees. They also opposed recent statements by the president of the Turkish occupation government regarding the restoration of relations with Bashar al-Assad, leading to confusion among mercenaries.

Rami Abdel Rahman, Director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, stated to Agence France-Presse that seven individuals had lost their lives; six in the city of Afrin and one in Jarabulus. They were killed in clashes with Turkish guards during yesterday's protests.

A medical source in northern Syria confirmed these casualties. The Observatory reported that the Turkish occupation forces closed four border crossings in response to the protests.

The demonstrations involved burning the Turkish flag, removing it from various affiliated institutions, and chanting slogans against the Turkish occupation government. Protesters attacked Turkish vehicles, blocked roads, and gathered in areas under the control of the Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham mercenaries, like Idlib.

Internet service in northwestern Syria was cut off following the protests in different areas of the Aleppo countryside. Local sources noted that optical Internet service was disconnected shortly after demonstrations began.

T/ Satt.