HRE announce results of operations that coincided with the Basala operation

The Afrin Liberation Forces announced the killing of 7 Turkish occupation soldiers and mercenaries and the wounding of 8 others during a series of operations carried out in conjunction with Basala operation.

HRE announce results of operations that coincided with the Basala operation
1 February 2024   19:15

This came in a statement published by the Afrin Liberation Forces, in which details were mentioned of a series of operations carried out in the Shra and Sherawa districts of occupied Afrin and the A'azaz.

The statement reads:

“In conjunction with the operation in the village of Basala, our fighters carried out a series of operations in the Sherawa and Shra districts and the A'azaz area on January 30.

The operation targeted the Turkish occupation base in the village of Kemar in the Sherawa district, resulting in the killing of 3 Turkish occupation mercenaries and the wounding of 4 others, and a Dushka-type weapon was destroyed.

An operation was also carried out against the Anabki base in the Shra district, resulting in the death of an occupation army soldier and the wounding of 2 others.

In Azaz, an operation targeted an occupation mercenary checkpoint, resulting in the killing of a policeman and the injury of two.

The operation also targeted the Gulber base in Sherawa district; During which two Turkish occupation soldiers were killed."

The Afrin Liberation Forces, during their statement, confirmed that the operations resulted in the killing of 3 mercenaries and a policeman, in addition to 2 Turkish soldiers, and the wounding of 4 mercenaries and 2 policemen.

This morning, the forces issued a statement announcing the killing of 12 soldiers from the Turkish occupation army and 8 mercenaries, and the wounding of 25 soldiers and mercenaries in an operation in the village of Basala in occupied Afrin on January 30.


  1. ANHA