Damascus forces bombing kills civilians in rural Damascus

Damascus forces besieged the town of Kanaker in the Damascus countryside after five people were killed or injured as a result of mortar shells fired by those forces on a workers’ bus.

Damascus forces bombing kills civilians in rural Damascus
2 July 2024   21:19

Three people were killed and two others injured due to clashes in the town of Kanaker in the Damascus countryside. Mortar shells fired by Damascus forces hit a bus carrying detergent factory workers and an agricultural tractor in the town, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Reports indicate that Damascus forces besieged the town of Kanaker in the Damascus countryside, shelling civilian homes with artillery and resulting in deaths.

Sham FM radio reported clashes between Damascus forces and armed groups in the town of Kanaker. The armed groups attacked checkpoints, kidnapped soldiers, and caused tension following the arrest of a wanted individual in the town. Damascus forces brought reinforcements to the area.

Furthermore, Damascus forces withdrew from the al-Qaws and al-Shatouh checkpoints near Kanaker after clashes with armed residents. Gunmen engaged in clashes with Damascus forces following the arrest of a former leader by the forces.

The 112th Brigade of Damascus forces bombed residential homes in Kanaker with mortar shells. A passenger bus was also targeted without reports of human casualties. The incident caused tension, chaos, and a security alert in the area.
