HPG unveils Turkish occupation bombing Mediya areas with chemical weapons more than 67 times 

The People's Defense Forces revealed the outcome of the attacks launched by the Turkish occupation army on the defense areas during May 27 and 28, and the operations carried out by its forces, and said in a statement, “The Turkish occupation state used banned weapons 67 times.”

HPG unveils Turkish occupation bombing Mediya areas with chemical weapons more than 67 times 
29 May 2024   15:51

On Wednesday, the Media Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement about the attacks launched by the Turkish occupation state and the operations carried out by the Guerrilla forces.

It stated in its text:

“Guerrilla forces’ operations in the Shahid Dalil area, west of Zap;

On May 27, at 10:30, the occupiers in FM Hill were targeted with heavy weapons, and the operation was carried out by our forces in the Free Women’s Units - Star.

On May 27, at 10:30, our forces targeted occupation army soldiers on Judi Hill with heavy weapons.

On May 27, at 08:25, the occupiers were targeted on Amdiya Hill with heavy weapons, and at the same time, our forces in the Free Women’s Units - Star targeted the occupiers with semi-automatic weapons.

On May 28, at 1:45 p.m., our forces carried out a sniper operation against the occupiers who wanted to install a radar system on Amidya Hill, which resulted in the destruction of one of the radar systems.

Attacks by the Turkish occupation army with prohibited weapons;

On May 27 and 28, our tunnels in FM Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, were bombed 63 times with toxic chemical gases and 3 times with banned explosives.

On May 28, our tunnels in Amdiya Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, were bombed once with banned explosives.

Attacks by the army of the Turkish occupation state;

On May 27 and 28, Karukh Square in the Qandil region was attacked once, the squares of Senin, Lulan, Barbazna Hill, and Martyr Hawar Hill in the Khakorki region 6 times, Martyr Ibrahim Square in the Zab region once, the squares of the Kafia Plain and Zivk in the Ghari region 4 times, and the Resistance Square in the Ghari region 4 times. Beyceli in the Matina area once.

On May 27 and 28, our tunnels in Judi Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, were bombed 12 times with booby-trapped drones.

On May 28, Shilaz Square in the Matina area was bombed by attack helicopters.

T/ Satt.