Hawar news agency plan ANHA 1-7-2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 1-7-2024
1 July 2024   02:00

Dr. Kamuran Barwari pointed out the Turkish occupation state’s attack on southern Kurdistan with the approval of international powers and Iraq and the participation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and its planning to occupy the entirety of southern Kurdistan and Iraq in two stages (attached with pictures).

A jurist stressed the need for jurists to take unified positions and adhere to their duty, by continuing to publish documentation of violations and crimes in the Syrian regions occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries, and sending them to the concerned authorities to convey the voice of the displaced to international forums (attached with photos and video).

The Syrian writer and opponent, Ali Al-Amin Al-Suwayd, believes that the understandings between the Damascus government and the Turkish state have moved from secret to public, and from under the table to above it, warning that any agreement between the two parties will change the Syrian geographical and demographic map tragically; It will be in favor of Türkiye and will be a gradual occupation and annexation of Syrian lands (photos attached).

Al-Shafah station, the main drinking water station in Deir ez-Zor canton, has entered service, becoming the third station alongside the Qalaa and Al-Soor stations. These stations supply 50,000 people with drinking water (photos and video attached).

Under the slogan “I want to have a life with great meaning and effectiveness,” the Zenobia Women’s Assembly Council is organizing a memorial event for the martyrs Zilan and Sama Yuga at the gathering center in the city of Raqqa, 09:00 (photos and video attached).

The people of the city of Tal Tamr in Al-Jazira canton are mourning the body of the martyr commando fighter Bassam Abdel Aziz Suleiman, nom de guerre Shaheen Annabiyeh, who was martyred while performing his national duty, at the shrine of the martyrs of Tal Tamr, at 10:00 (photos and video attached).

Under the title “Political Empowerment of Syrian Women,” the Syrian Women’s Coordination in the Syrian Democratic Council is organizing a workshop within the national strategy to empower Syrian women, at the Syrian Democratic Council building in the city of Raqqa, 10.00 (attached with photos and video).

Sara Organization for Combating Violence against Women delivers a statement in front of its center in the city of Qamishlo about the murders against women, and announces a campaign, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Democratic Culture and Art Movement (ÇAND TEV) opens the mural exhibition “Freedom March” on the wall of the March 12 Martyrs Stadium in the city of Qamishlo, at 19.00 (photos and video attached).