Syrian Initiative for Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan begins its second round

The Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan began its second round, within the framework of its activities within the global campaign for the freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, by visiting the head of the Tay Clan Council and highlighting the violations of the Turkish authorities.

Syrian Initiative for Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan begins its second round
29 May 2024   16:59

In the context of the global campaign “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue,” the Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan began its second round today, by visiting notables and notables of the Arab component, after its round of visits to political parties in North and East Syria.

The initiative visited the head of the Tay Clan Council, Hassan al-Farhan al-Abdul Rahman, at his home located in the Tay neighborhood in the city of Qamishlo, and the notable of the Tay clan, Ahmed Badran al-Salem, was also present during the visit.

During the visit, the spokesman for the Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, Farzandeh Munzer, spoke about the strict isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on him.

The thought of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is deeply rooted in our being.”

In turn, the notable of the Tay Clan Council, Hassan al-Farhan al-Abdul Rahman, expressed their support for the initiative and the parties calling for the freedom of the leader, and pointed to the belief of all the peoples of the Middle East in the thought of Leader Ocalan, as this leader was able to deliver his message to the tribal community.

He continued his speech: “The clans and tribes in the region have demanded the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan many times. His philosophy is a humanitarian philosophy, and Leader Ocalan’s thought has touched our consciences, and based on that, we are working to prevent strife in the region.”

For his part, the notable of the Tay clan, Ahmed Badran al-Salem, stressed, “Leader Abdullah Ocalan is a humane leader and the injustice against him must be lifted.”

The Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan continues its tour, visiting the notables and notables of the Arab component, and then the Armenian, Syriac, and Assyrian councils and churches during the coming days. In its first round, the initiative visited political parties in North and East of Syria.

T/ Satt.