DAA: Elections are internal affair, not threaten Turkish security

The Democratic Autonomous Administration confirmed that the relationship and problems between DAA and the Damascus govt are an internal matter and do not affect the Turkish state, and stressed that the elections will enhance stability and peaceful coexistence.

DAA: Elections are internal affair, not threaten Turkish security
29 May 2024   15:30

The Executive Council of DAA of NE Syria explained today, through a statement to public opinion, that: “The failure to find a radical solution to the Syrian situation during the past thirteen years has led to a worsening of the service and administrative situation in Syria, which negatively affects the lives of citizens. So it is very natural for Syrians to organize their service and administrative lives, and this does not contradict our political orientation, which emphasizes the unity of Syrian territory and the sovereignty of the Syrian state."

The Executive Council affirmed: “The recent meeting held by the Turkish Security Council is a distortion of the facts. The Autonomous Administration, from the beginning of the crisis until now, has been the only guarantor of territorial integrity of Syria and it is still working to find a Syrian-Syrian solution. However, the Turkish state that has occupied Idlib, Jarabulus, Azaz, Afrin, SereKaniye, and Tal Abyad, is practicing cleansing, Turkification, physical and cultural genocide, rape, and imposing the Turkish currency  to divide Syria.

Elections will promote stability and peaceful coexistence

The Executive Council said: " These elections do not target any political party, whether internally or externally its primary goal is to achieve good service for the citizens of NE Syria, Therefore, these elections will enhance stability and peaceful coexistence in the region, and will also play a positive role in developing the comprehensive Syrian solution.

The Executive Council stated that what the Turkish state is doing is a continuation of the policy of genocide and denial that it is practicing against the Kurdish people and all ethnic, religious and ideological components in NE Syria.

The Executive Council added," We denounce these policies and these threats that target Syrian sovereignty, and  the peaceful coexistence that has been achieved by the residents of the region. On this basis, we appeal to the international and democratic forces to stand against the policies of the Turkish state that targets the will of the peoples of the region, and works to justify its aggressive, occupational policy towards our regions.”

 The Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria called on all peoples and components of the region to work for the success of the election process. The Executive Council noted: “Finally, we would like to emphasize that just as we previously pursued a national democratic policy in Syria and preserved the unity of Syrian territories, we at Autonomous Administration in NE Syria, will work to find comprehensive solutions to the Syrian situation and consolidate local democracy in our regions.”
