Syrian opponent warn of a new deal between Damascus, Ankara

Syrian writer and opponent; Ali al-Amin al-Sweid believes that the understandings between the Damascus government and the Turkish state have moved from secrecy to the open, and from under the table to above, warning that any agreement between the two parties would dramatically alter Syria’s geographic and demographic map in favor of Turkey and would constitute an occupation and gradual annexation of Syrian territory.

Syrian opponent warn of a new deal between Damascus, Ankara
1 July 2024   06:44

There has been a return to the path of rapprochement between the government of Damascus and the Turkish occupying state. The two sides have exchanged letters and hints that indicate that this path could see rapid developments in the coming period.

Despite the conflict and mutual accusations over the past years, the President of the occupying state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that there was no reason why he and Assad should not establish relations, in response to Assad’s statements about openness to all initiatives to normalize relations between the two countries, apparently ignoring his previous conditions on the necessity of Turkish withdrawal from Syrian territory before any negotiation and dialogue.

The Syrian writer and opponent Ali al-Amin, spoke to ANHA's agency about this, saying, In practical terms, relations between the government of the Syrian regime and the government of the Turkish occupation have been at their best since the masked alliance that began on the day Turkey surrendered Aleppo to the Syrian regime. The differences that are floating on the surface between Ankara and Damascus are merely the distribution of roles between the groups of Astana and Sochi.

He explained that Turkey has handed over Aleppo to the regime, and it has pressured the armed factions to hand over the areas of reduced escalation to the Syrian regime, which occupied Afrin and the north of Syria in agreement with the regime, with evidence of the regime's forces entering southern Idlib and regaining control of more than half of Idlib province, while the Turkish posts remain within the lines of the regime's army, and the Turkish Point Forces have withdrawn to their current positions.

Coming out from under the table to above for a deal between the two sides under the pretext of amending the Adana Agreement.

Al-Amin added that talking about the possibility of a new rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus is but the transfer of bilateral relations from under the table to above the table, which would not have been possible without new understandings to finalize the deal between Assad and Erdogan, and the deal is Assad's concession from the Syrian north, starting from the Turkish border at a depth of 30 km along the Syrian border, under the pretext of amending the Adana Convention.

Dealing with Turkish interests

The writer warned the Syrian opposition: “This agreement is in Turkey’s interest to control its territory, in accordance with the Mîsâk-ı Millî, and the granting of such land to Turkey is a prize by the Assad regime for its contribution to quelling the Syrian revolution against it. The Syrian regime will claim that it has amended the Adana Agreement, thus avoiding the accusation that Turkey is occupying Syrian territory through a legitimate exit and eliminating the responsibility of eight million Syrian citizens opposed to its existence.”

Legitimacy of the Turkish occupation of Syrian territory

With regard to current and new objectives, al-Amin considers that "the final agreement between the Syrian regime and the Turkish regime on a legitimate exit for Turkish forces to the north-east of the Euphrates, in exchange for Turkey's withdrawal from Jabal al-Zawiya and the delivery of the M4 road, seems to have come close, and military meetings between military committees of the Turkish occupation army and the Syrian regime army at the Hmeimim base have revealed the near implementation of the rapprochement on the ground."

The Syrian North is on a date with a new tragedy: gradual annexation.

The Syrian opponent confirmed that the conclusion of the agreements between the Syrian regime and the Turkish regime will dramatically change the Syrian geographical and demographic map of the north of Syria; so that the border strip with a total area of more than 30,000 square kilometers will come under Turkey's control, gradually annexing those areas to Turkey over the decades to join the sanjak of Alexandretta and Turkish Cyprus.

In a reflection of the future of the anticipated events, Syrian writer and opponent Ali Al-Amin said: It is very clear that the Turkish occupying state and the Syrian regime are close to implementing the final agreements and exchanging military positions between Idlib and the northeast of the Euphrates, but that the possibility of implementing these schemes must receive a green light from the United States of America, or that Turkey and the rest of the Sochi powers will take advantage of the United States' preoccupation with the presidential elections to pass the agreements on Syrian soil.

T/ Satt.