Hawar news agency plan ANHA 6-19-2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 6-19-2024
19 June 2024   02:00

The Turkish occupation mercenaries turned a field planted with 500 peach trees into a settlement in Afrin, occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries, after they displaced its owner and his family during the Turkish attack on Afrin in 2018 (photos and video attached).

The Syrian politician, Mustafa Qalaji, confirmed that there is no benefit from any Syrian rapprochement with the Turkish occupation state because it is trying to perpetuate its occupation and existence through any available means, and pointed out that its colonial practices on the ground, such as raising the flag, imposing the Turkish currency, language, curricula, and demographic change, indicate this. He said: “Syrian-Syrian rapprochement is the ideal solution.” (Attached with photos and video).

A farmer from al-Jazira canton transformed his land into an orchard filled with vegetables and whose trees are decorated with fruit. He expanded his cultivation of strawberries, enriching the local market with his distinguished production. He says: “We can make our region rich in its agricultural resources” (attached with pictures and video).

Artist Zaher Abdo (Idol) expresses his love for his village, located in the Ad-Darbasiyah countryside, through the words and melodies of his songs. He also contributes to teaching singing and music to the people of his village (attached with pictures and video).