75 people killed, 8 executed, and 203 kidnapped in occupied Girê Spî

75 people were killed, 8 others were executed, and 203 were kidnapped in occupied Girê Spî within 5 years.

75 people killed, 8 executed, and 203 kidnapped in occupied Girê Spî
7 April 2024   17:27

According to the Violations Documentation Center, the number of citizens who were kidnapped by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in the occupied city of Girê Spî, since October 2019, is 203 citizens, including 7 women and 12 children, and the fate of 89 of them is still unknown, and 26 were transferred to Turkey and are still detained  there, knowing that the majority of them were forcibly displaced during the Turkish aggression.

The number of those killed during and after the Turkish aggression reached 75 people, including 3 women, and the number of those injured exceeded 219, 17 of whom were permanently disabled.

In addition, 8 people were executed on the ground; They were citizens who were late to  displace or returned to inspect their homes.

According to the center, 14% of Girê Spî’s population returned to their homes after the Turkish occupation of the region. They were subjected to various types of harassment by mercenaries, and a number of them were kidnapped, even though most of them were elderly.

They also seized more than 5,171 homes, 1,180 commercial and industrial shops, and emptied 64 villages of their original residents, and seizing more than one and a half million dunums of agricultural land.

In addition to settling 1,849 families from various Syrian regions in the city of Girê Spi, in the homes of displaced people that were seized and looted.

The Turkish occupation mercenaries seized more than 12 factories and industrial facilities, stole their contents, and sold them inside Turkey.

The Turkish gendarme killed 14 Syrians, including a child, and wounded 77 people with live bullets on the border in the Girê Spî countryside, including farmers who own lands adjacent to the border.
