Democratic AANES condemns Al-Omar field' attack

The Democratic AANES denounced the attack on Commando Academy affiliated with the SDF, and stressed that it is consistent with Turkey’s goals in obstructing the efforts of the people of the region towards ensuring unity, and that this escalation comes in the context of an understanding and agreement that took place in the recent Astana talks.

Democratic AANES condemns Al-Omar field' attack
6 February 2024   10:42

Today, the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria issued a statement to public opinion, that reads:

"In the context of targeting the stability of our regions and the desire to create chaos, coinciding with the Turkish aggression and threat, and with the continuation of the security and humanitarian campaign to control the activity of terrorist cells in Al-Hol camp, some parties that do not want to continue efforts to achieve stability and strengthen partnership, as well as combat terrorism, are still seeking to inflame the situation in NE Syria and push it towards other outcomes that serve the goals of these parties. Including some groups affiliated with and supported by Iran and the Syrian regime, which take the locations of the Syrian regime as a starting point for their aforementioned project, especially since these parties failed in their goals several months ago to create conflict and strife between the components of the region, in particular in Deir ez-Zor.

The targeting of these groups, which took place at a training academy in Al-Omar field in Deir ez-Zor, and the martyrdom of 6 SDF members, is nothing but a plan towards creating chaos and obstructing the efforts of our forces to achieve stability and combat terrorism, as well as, the Autonomous Administration’s efforts to build the will of the people of the region and organize them according to what serves their aspirations and future.

While we condemn this “completely unacceptable” attack, we stress that these developments would drag the region towards chaos from which ISIS and others like it will benefit, as well as the forces that are betting on this chaos to achieve their own interests, and that it is consistent with Turkey’s goals in obstructing the efforts of our people towards ensuring unity among the various components in our regions, as well as defending them against sedition plans.”

Through the statement, the Democratic AANES called on the people of the region and Deir ez-Zor in particular to realize the danger of these attacks, and said: “We also call on our people, especially in the Deir ez-Zor region, to be aware of this danger and to be fully aware that we, as an AANES, always trust our people in Deir ez-Zor, and to prevent the development of any project of sedition and conflict. Emphasizing the necessity of expressing popular positions and coming up with live positions that completely reject these “cheap” trends in playing with the balance of stability and transferring the conflict from one region to another, with a complete rejection of any interference or prejudice to our people’s project in building their democratic decision and attacks on their military and security forces that guarantee a stable and promising future for our people in NE Syria.”

The Democratic Autonomous Administration extended its condolences to the families of the martyrs and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.
