MIT kidnaps 3 citizens in occupied Afrin.

Turkish intelligence kidnapped 3 citizens in occupied Afrin.

MIT kidnaps 3 citizens in occupied Afrin.
MIT kidnaps 3 citizens in occupied Afrin.
MIT kidnaps 3 citizens in occupied Afrin.
MIT kidnaps 3 citizens in occupied Afrin.
18 July 2024   13:55

A local source from occupied Afrin reported that Turkish intelligence had kidnapped two young men, Salah Rashid Korblo (20 years old) and Muhammad Khalil Haj Qanbar (24 years old), residents of the village of Khalka in the town of Bulbila, on July 12, on charges of lighting a Newroz fire, even though more than three months had passed since Newroz, and demanded that their families pay a financial ransom, in exchange for their release.

After paying the ransom and releasing them, the Turkish occupation mercenaries, the “military police,” kidnapped them again yesterday, to take a financial ransom from their families.

A source reported that the Turkish occupation mercenaries, the “military police,” kidnapped the citizen Muhammad Hassan Sido (40 years old), who was forcibly displaced from his home, along with his father and mother, more than 6 years ago, after returning to his hometown in the village of Kul Ibo in the city of Mobata in occupied Afrin, 2 weeks ago, from Aleppo city.

The source indicated that the mercenaries kidnapped him while he was visiting one of the branches of the “Military Police” to submit a request to register the names of his wife and children who are in the city of Aleppo, in order to return to the village and live with him, and his fate has been unknown for more than 40 days.

The crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries against humans, stones, and nature continue in occupied Afrin, to change its demographics and displace the remaining original inhabitants there.  
