Arab- Kurdish tribes reaffirm the importance of Syrian-Syrian dialogue to resolve country’s crisis

The Arab and Kurdish tribes in al-Jazira canton in North and East Syria reiterated the importance of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue, which the Democratic Autonomous Administration constantly seeks, as a gateway to resolving the country’s crisis, expressing their rejection of any external interference, and demanding the preservation of territorial integrity and coexistence.

Arab- Kurdish tribes reaffirm the importance of Syrian-Syrian dialogue to resolve country’s crisis
18 July 2024   21:12

As part of the activities celebrating the anniversary of the July 19th Revolution, and coinciding with the Democratic Autonomous Administration’s issuance of a general amnesty for prisoners, a number of sheikhs and notables of the Arab and Kurdish tribes in the cities of Tal Brak and Tal Hamis met with the leader of the al-Hol Military Council, and members of the security forces in the city.

At the beginning of the meeting, a member of the Military Council of al-Jazira canton, Kani Mohammad, welcomed the sheikhs and notables, and praised the role of the clans in supplying the Syrian Democratic Forces. He said: “Without cooperation, we will be easy prey for any aggressor, as every foreign intervention has an interest in destabilizing security in the region. The people, with all their components and beliefs, must stand united and hand in hand against any colonizer, especially the Turkish occupation, which seeks to dismantle society and attack the infrastructure in North and East Syria.”

Then the hall was opened for interventions by the sheikhs and notables of the region, in which they stressed the importance of closing ranks and working to prevent any foreign interference in the affairs of the region.

After the meeting, the tribal sheikhs and notables made a statement to public opinion, in which they called for preserving the unity of Syria's land and people, and rejecting the attacks of the Turkish occupation in all its forms, its crimes in the occupied Syrian regions, and against the rights of refugees in Turkey.

The statement was delivered by Sheikh Ahmed Hawass al-Musalat, a sheikh of the Arab Jabour tribe.

The statement expressed the clans’ rejection of targeting the northern and eastern region of Syria. “We are the sheikhs and notables of the Tal Brak, al-Hol and Tal Hamis regions. We stand today on the anniversary of the July 19th  Revolution, which called for freedom, democracy, and the prevention of arbitrary and repressive measures. On this glorious day, we, the people of the region, reject any external interference. We reject the Turkish occupation attacks on North and East Syria."

The statement stressed the importance of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue sought by the Autonomous Administration, to open the way to resolving the Syrian crisis and achieving the safe return of Syrian refugees.

The statement called on all the people of the region in the diaspora to return home and stand together with their brothers in the Syrian Democratic Forces to preserve the gains they have achieved that meet the aspirations of all the Syrian people.

In the statement, they expressed their gratitude to the Democratic Autonomous Administration for meeting their demands and issuing a general amnesty law.

They stressed their firm position in defending the regions of northern and eastern Syria, through their sons in the Syrian Democratic Forces, the institutions of the region, and the Autonomous Administration against any kind of attacks, most notably the Turkish attacks.

T/ Satt.