3 Turkish soldiers killed, 6 others wounded

The Martyr Axin Mush unit of the People Defense Forces carried out a series of operations against the Turkish occupation army in the Mediya defense areas in S. Kurdistan, killing 3 occupation soldiers, wounding 6 others, and destroying many occupation sites.

3 Turkish soldiers killed, 6 others wounded
18 July 2024   11:31

Today, the Media Center of the People Defense Forces issued a statement regarding the operation carried out in Zap, read:

"Our forces in the Martyr Axin Mush unit carried out 7 air operations between 8 and 13 July. It effectively targeted the Turkish occupation army in Serkil Square in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap.

The operations resulted in the death of 3 occupiers, the injury of 6 others, and the destruction of many occupation sites."
