Hunger strike in Turkish prisons continues for 72th  day

The hunger strike, which was started by activists in Turkish prisons to demand the physical freedom of leader Ocalan, continues for the 72th day, coinciding with the continued popular support outside the walls of those prisons for the event, amid the Turkish authorities ignoring the demands.

Hunger strike in Turkish prisons continues for 72th  day
6 February 2024   09:37

On October 10 of last year, 2023, a global campaign was launched in 74 centers around the world under the slogan “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue.” In this context, a series of events began in northern Kurdistan and Turkey to support this campaign.

Under the same campaign slogan, a number of activists in Turkish prisons in Turkey and northern Kurdistan began a hunger strike last November 27.

The hunger strike will end next February 15, according to the strikers.

In the cities of Wan, Amed, Merdin, Mersin, Adana, Istanbul and Izmir, justice sit-ins continue under the slogan “We will break isolation for justice, and we will be the voice of prisons for peace,” which were organized by the families of the hunger strikers.

As 72 days have passed since the strike, the Turkish authorities continue to ignore the demands of the strikers, and do not care about their health.

Different regions in Kurdistan and the world are witnessing several daily activities in support of the hunger strikers, and denouncing the policy of the Turkish occupation state regarding the event and the Imrali prison, criticizing at the same time the silence of international forces and human rights organizations.

