YPG issues statement on 12th anniversary of July 19 Revolution

The General Command of the People's Protection Units congratulated on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the launch of the July 19th Revolution, affirming that it has become a beacon of hope for freedom, not only for the Kurdish people but for all the peoples of the Middle East. They confirmed their continued struggle for peace, equality, and justice for the region and the entire world.

YPG issues statement on 12th anniversary of July 19 Revolution
19 July 2024   09:49

The General Command of the People's Protection Units (YPG) issued a statement today on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the launch of the July 19th Revolution, which reads:

"We proudly and respectfully congratulate our people, the families of the martyrs, and the entire world on the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. This day is no longer just a day marking the independence and resistance of our people; it has become the beginning of a new phase in the history of Kurdistan and the Middle East in general.

We also remember with respect and reverence all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect this revolution and its achievements. Their resistance against ISIS, Turkish occupation, and other hostile forces not only liberated the peoples of Syria and Rojava but also had a significant impact on global security. Their heroism was the reason for the defeat of these dark forces that threatened the entire world.

The Rojava Revolution, which began on July 19, 2012, has proven that no armed force can stand against the will of a resisting people. This revolution has become a beacon of hope for freedom not only for the Kurdish people but for all the peoples of the Middle East. Today, it influences a wide area, from building an equal and just society in Syria to changing the political model in the Middle East and developing new models of democracy globally. This movement has paved the way for a new governance model based on principles of direct democracy, gender equality, and environmentalism. Moreover, in the chaos that the region is experiencing, Rojava and NE Syria have become a living example of peaceful coexistence among different peoples and cultures. One of the most important achievements of this revolution is also the creation of a multicultural and multilingual society where Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs, Armenians, and other components live together. At the same time, the development of women in society and politics, which is one of the main pillars of our revolution, has become a source of inspiration for the entire region. The women of Rojava and NE Syria, through their successes on the battlefield and in building society, have changed traditional models about the role of women and have become leaders of social change throughout the Middle East.

We have proven that in the Middle East, a place often characterized by ethnic conflicts and disputes, peaceful coexistence is not only possible but can be the foundation of a strong and developed society. Additionally, our revolution has shown that in the face of all internal and external attacks, the people's will to resist can prevail. The evidence of this is the defeat of mercenary groups such as the Al-Nusra Front and ISIS in 2012 and after, and the thwarting of Turkish occupation attacks in 2016 and beyond. The will to live together and the ability to defend it have thwarted all these attacks.

Therefore, let this day be a day to continue our struggle for peace, equality, and justice in our region and all over the world. We call on all democratic and peace-loving forces in the world to continue their support for this unique experience. The Rojava Revolution is not only for the Kurds but for all of humanity that seeks freedom, equality, and justice.

With this, we once again remember with gratitude and reverence all our immortal martyrs who died for the development and defense of this revolution. We pledge to continue this sacred journey to achieve their dreams, and we will continue our struggle to protect our people and our revolution.