Citizens slam betrayal of KDP

The people of the city of Çil Agha in Jazira Canton stressed their support for the resistance of the Guerrilla forces against the Turkish attacks. They denounced the involvement of th KDP in these attacks.

Citizens slam betrayal of KDP
19 July 2024   05:31

The People's Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women's Units (YJA-STAR) are confronting the genocidal and occupation attacks of the Turkish occupation army to write epics of heroism with their tactics and qualitative operations against all the fierce attacks on Southern Kurdistan.

The Citizen Faisal Hassan explained that “ The Guerrilla forces represents the dignity and identity of peoples."

“They stood up for the will and freedom of the people in accordance with the approach of leader Abdullah Ocalan, which includes all components" Faisal Hassan added.

Hassan slammed the KDP's conspiracy with the Turkish occupation army in the attacks on Southern Kurdistan.

 "Because of them, the occupier wreaked havoc and occupied lands in Kurdistan. We will not allow them to continue betraying the Kurdish people" He added.

The citizen Khalil Majeed praised the sacrifices and resistance of the Guerrilla forces, and said: “The Guerrilla is resisting for our existence, and without this resistance, the spirit of struggle and hope would not have been revived among the oppressed people."

"The enemies realize the strength of the people's related to the Guerrilla. That is why they escalate their attacks to eliminate the people's resistance" Khalil Majeed added.

Khalil Majeed called on the sons and daughters of the people of NE Syria to join the ranks of struggle and resistance alongside the Guerrilla forces.

While the citizen Samar Hussein pledged, “We will not abandon those who sacrificed for our freedom. We will support them until achieving the victory."
