Zenobia Women’s Gathering calls on Iraqi, Syrian people to stand against Turkey's policies

The Zenobia Women’s Gathering pointed to a real danger facing Iraq and Syria once again, following the Turkish occupying state’s transfer of hundreds of ISIS mercenaries to S. Kurdistan. The Gathering called on the people of both countries to unite and resist "this aggression and stand against terrorism."

Zenobia Women’s Gathering calls on Iraqi, Syrian people to stand against Turkey's policies
18 July 2024   13:02

On July 18, the Zenobia Women’s Gathering issued a statement regarding reports of the Turkish occupying state transferring about a thousand ISIS mercenaries to areas in S. Kurdistan to fight against Guerrilla forces.

The statement was read by the spokesperson for the Gathering, Khoud Al-Issa, in the municipal stadium square in the center of Raqqa, in the presence of dozens of women and members of the Gathering and its affiliated offices. The statement began:

"Today, we stand to salute the will of the people in general, and women in particular, for the steadfast will they exhibited in NE Syria and S. Kurdistan against ISIS. They stood tall against the brutality of ISIS, and women played a decisive role in its defeat in NE Syria. Women have written bright chapters in resisting ISIS, leaving their homes to defend their land, honor, and children, and raising their voices loudly against oppression and tyranny.”

The Gathering affirmed that women’s participation in resisting ISIS was not “merely a national duty but a manifestation of their right to freedom and dignity, and a challenge to the stereotypical image that aims to confine women’s role in society to a narrow context.”

Regarding the attacks of ISIS mercenaries on Iraq and S. Kurdistan, the Zenobia Women’s Gathering noted that the Guerrilla forces, which include many sons and daughters of the region, have written bright pages in resisting ISIS, demonstrating their ability to fight for the protection of their land and community. The Guerrilla forces contributed to liberating many cities and villages from ISIS mercenaries in Iraq and S. Kurdistan.

In recent years, Iraq and Syria have witnessed unforgettable tragedies, during which women lost security and safety, were displaced from their homelands, and subjected to the most horrific types of torture. Among them were Yazidi women in Şengal, who were kidnapped and tortured during the ISIS attack on August 3, 2014.

In this context, the Zenobia Women’s Gathering warned of a new threat to the security and stability of Syria and Iraq, stemming from the Turkish occupying state’s ambitions to occupy the territories of both countries. To achieve its ambitions, Turkey transferred about 1,000 ISIS mercenaries to S. Kurdistan to fight against the Guerrillas. The Gathering stated: “Turkey’s cooperation with ISIS reflects the extent of its hostility towards the Iraqi and Syrian peoples and underscores its policy of aligning with terrorism to achieve its agenda.”

The Zenobia Women’s Gathering strongly condemned the Turkish occupying state’s attacks on areas in S. Kurdistan and called on “our people in Syria and Iraq to unite and confront this aggression, stand against terrorism, and achieve security and peace for our forces in the mountains and for all the peoples of the region.”
