CPT's silence regarding the isolation imposed on leader is evidence of its partnership'

The people of the Euphrates region affirmed that the silence of the Committee against Torture (CPT) regarding the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan is evidence of its partnership with Turkey and pledged to continue “resistance and struggle until his physical freedom is achieved.”

CPT's silence regarding the isolation imposed on leader is evidence of its partnership'
3 June 2024   03:01

The people of the Euphrates region condemned the isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, as citizen Bakir Sinjar says, “The Turkish occupation state is tightening the isolation on the leader day after day. We condemn this isolation and will continue to resist according to the leader’s approach and philosophy until we achieve his physical freedom.”

As a member of the Council of Martyrs' Families in the Euphrates region, Najmi Kenjo, said: "We will always follow the thought and philosophy of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, about whom we have not known anything for 3 years because the Turkish occupation authorities impose strict isolation on him."

He added: "Why is the Committee against Torture (CPT) silent regarding this isolation? Isn't its silence and failure to provide any information about the leader evidence of its partnership with Turkey?"

Abdul Qadir Muslim, a member of the War Wounded Foundation in Kobani, said: “We have not received any information about our leader for 3 years, and international organizations concerned with human rights have been silent, especially the Committee Against Torture (CPT), which has begun to work in accordance with the interests of the Turkish state.”

He added, "With the unity of our people and the ideology of the democratic nation, we will resist until we achieve the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan."

T/ Satt.