Treason of KDP contributed to the occupation of more territories in Başûr

The women of Kobani city in North and East Syria have confirmed that the participation of the KDP alongside Turkey in its attacks on legitimate defense areas is a clear betrayal, calling on the people of Southern Kurdistan to revolt and not to ignore the facts.

Treason of KDP contributed to the occupation of more territories in Başûr
17 July 2024   06:44

Angered Kurdish reactions against the KDP have escalated after it handed over dozens of people in the villages and cities to the Turkish occupation in Southern Kurdistan, as well as its participation in fighting HPG fighters in the Kurdistan Mountains.

The women of the city of Kobani in North and East Syria, in their conversation with ANHA's agency, expressed their rejection of the policies of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, describing them as “open treason,” and stressing that these policies are part of a plan to exterminate the Kurdish people.

 “What the Turkish state is doing in Başûr Kurdistan is the genocide of the Kurdish people, and we completely reject the Kurdistan Democratic Party opening the way to the brutality of the Turkish state in Başur,” said citizen Ronida Ali. “We call on our brothers to rise up against this joint plan between Turkey and the Kurdistan Democratic Party. Our people must be aware of the dangers of this plan, and we cannot ignore the facts to this degree.”

In his turn, Khadija Mohammad indicated that if it had not been for the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Turkey would not have dared to occupy a single inch of the territory of Southern Kurdistan. She added that the Kurdistan Democratic Party has never stood in the face of foreign powers. “They have betrayed the Kurds for decades, and here they are repeating that today. It is ‘clear treason.’

For her part, citizen Najma Kanjo explained, “The Turkish occupation is attacking Southern Kurdistan with various types of weapons, and despite this tragedy, we see the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which considers itself a Kurdish force, participating with the occupation in this attack. What treason is it to attack one’s own people in partnership with the enemy? No one after today can doubt that. We say it loudly. It is treason, and he is the one who has a hand in the blood of our children in the mountains of Kurdistan.”

T/ Satt.