17 killed in clashes between two armed groups in rural Dara 'a

The number of armed clashes between two groups in the city of Sanamin has risen to 17 to date.

17 killed in clashes between two armed groups in rural Dara 'a
7 April 2024   17:20

The number of violent clashes between a group led by former ISIS mercenaries Mohsen al-Hemad, currently working for the military intelligence services of the Damascus Government, and another group led by Ahmed Jamal al-Labad, nicknamed as" al-Shabbat" has intensified, who previously worked for State Security, in the Al-Jawra neighbourhood of Sanamin in rural Dara 'a, was killed to 17 to date. The clashes were caused by yesterday's explosive device explosion, which killed 8 children according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

According to the Ahrar Horan gathering, the al-Hemad group burned and looted several houses belonging to members of a group led by Ahmed Jamal Al-Labad, nicknamed "Al-Shabbat", in the city of Sanamin, north of Dara 'a, where the residents found two children who died after their house was burned down by al-Hamid al-Labad.

The clashes came on the back of yesterday's explosive device bombing, which killed 8 children.

Since the beginning of January, according to the Syrian Observatory, 87 incidents in Dara 'a have resulted in various methods and incidents of security chaos, killing 122 people.

T/ Satt.