Arab researchers- jurists:  Isolation in Imrali reflects the horror of Erdogan’s regime

Arab researchers and human rights activists denounced the strict isolation imposed by the Turkish authorities on leader Abdullah Ocalan, noting that his ideas pose a threat to the racism on which the Turkish state was built.

Arab researchers- jurists:  Isolation in Imrali reflects the horror of Erdogan’s regime
9 September 2023   22:10

According to researchers, what Leader Abdullah Ocalan is exposed to is the attempts of the Turkish authorities to confront his ideas and theses that call for recognition of the rights of all components and peoples in the region, including Turkey. This contradicts the racism upon which the Turkish state grew up.

Dr. Taha Ali Ahmed, a researcher in Middle East affairs and identity politics, believes that “the conditions imposed by the Turkish authorities on Mr. Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali prison exceed all international and local standards relevant to the situation of the Kurdish leader; he is an old man, and he also lacks the practice of "The most basic rights that the rest of the prison inmates get in countries that respect human rights."

He told ANHA's agency: “Despite the spread of this pattern of ill-treatment of prison inmates in Turkey, given the lack of human rights practices in general in Turkey, the case of Mr. Ocalan is being treated more harshly as a result of what the national authorities in Turkey see in his ideas that differ from the ideological foundation on which the Turkish state was founded since its inception in 1923.”

He pointed out that "Mr. Abdullah Ocalan calls for the recognition of the cultural rights of all societal components in Turkey, especially the Kurds, who constitute more than 20% of Turkish society. They also played a historical role in Turkey's war of independence, but the Turkish state has been established since the era of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk denied the Kurdish right, and followed arbitrary policies to Turkification all aspects of political, cultural and social life, including the Kurds, who were subjected to the harshest levels of cultural, political and military violence on the part of the Turkish authorities.

Racist basis

  According to the researcher, “Ocalan’s ideas pose a threat to the racist foundation on which the Turkish state was founded, and the expansion of the range of those who follow and support the Kurdish leader’s ideas increases the fear of the nationalist elite in Turkey, which prompts the Turkish authorities to tighten control over him and deprive him of all his human, political and cultural rights.”

Regarding the reasons for the world’s silence about what leader Abdullah Ocalan is being subjected to in Turkish prisons, the researcher stressed that “we must not forget that the arrest of the Kurdish leader 25 years ago came within the framework of an international conspiracy in which many powers such as the United States, Israel and others participated, which makes us rule out the existence of any sympathy.” From Western governments,” pointing out at the same time the presence of humanitarian voices sympathetic to the deteriorating humanitarian situation to which Mr. Ocalan is exposed, which is evident in the solidarity marches that take place from time to time in a number of Western capitals.

Erdogan's horror

In his turn, the Egyptian writer and representative of the International Federation for Rights and Freedoms “Justice” at the United Nations, Bahjat Al-Obaidi, declared his solidarity with the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and told ANHA's agency: “The restrictions imposed on the freedom fighter Ocalan contradict all international human rights conventions. Not only that, but they also violate... The Turkish laws themselves are very clear, which reflects the arbitrariness of Erdogan's government against the great freedom fighter Abdullah Ocalan.

Al-Obaidi continued, "Erdogan's regime is behaving criminally by waging a violent psychological war against Abdullah Ocalan, which reflects its extreme fear and even terror of imprisoning opinion and thought, in an attempt to prevent the ideas of the Kurdish fighter."

The official of the International Federation for Rights and Freedoms (IDF) at the United Nations in Austria confirmed that: “The arbitrariness pursued by the Turkish state will not prevent the spread of Abdullah Ocalan’s ideas, as prisons can hide the bodies of thinkers and leaders, but they will never be able to imprison ideas or obscure the opinions that they express.” As they say, it has wings and cannot be prevented.

Al-Obaidi continued: “The continuous isolation attempts resorted to by the Turkish authorities reflect the Erdogan regime’s terror of a leader whom the Kurdish people believe in, and who has the ability, even while in prison, to ignite the flame of the Kurdish struggle in the souls of his people.” Stressing that "this is what makes Ocalan a thorn in the back of Turkish injustice that will not continue. Every injustice must have an end and every night must have a dawn in which the sun of freedom shines."

T/ Satt.