Kurdish Front commander reveals details of the attacks on the countryside of Manbij-Bab

Commander in the Kurdish Front forces revealed the details of the attacks on the countryside of Manbij and al-Bab, and stressed that they will achieve victory and eliminate everyone who tries to undermine the safety and stability of their areas, as they did previously against the mercenaries of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham in various areas of Syria.

Kurdish Front commander reveals details of the attacks on the countryside of Manbij-Bab
Kurdish Front commander reveals details of the attacks on the countryside of Manbij-Bab
Kurdish Front commander reveals details of the attacks on the countryside of Manbij-Bab
Kurdish Front commander reveals details of the attacks on the countryside of Manbij-Bab
9 September 2023   23:16

The Turkish occupation army, its mercenaries, and Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Jabhet Nusra ) have been launching violent attacks on the western and northern countryside of Manbij, and the eastern countryside of al-Bab, since the beginning of this September. On the other hand, fighters of the al-Bab and Manbij Military Councils, the forces of the Kurdish Front, and the Idlib rebels are confronting them, and they have inflicted heavy losses on them in lives and equipment, they thwarted all their attempts to infiltrate the area.

The field commander of the Kurdish Front forces on the fronts of the eastern countryside of the city of al-Bab, Abu Abdo Kafr Saghir, about the field developments. He spoke to ANHA's agency from the location of his headquarters and his forces, and said: “For more than ten days, the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries have been launching attacks on the liberated eastern countryside of Al-Bab and the villages of the city.” The northern and western Manbij are under the name of the sons of the clans, but we are all the sons of the clans and we know very well the ethics and truth of the clans and the methods used by the mercenaries and the heavy weapons they use.

He continued, "The Turkish occupation is the main supporter of these mercenaries in terms of equipping and supporting them with money, ammunition, heavy weapons, and missiles. We are fighting the mercenaries of "Ahrar al-Sharqiya" and "Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham" (formerly Jabhet al-Nusra), and this is documented through the corpses that were kept at our hands, as well as through the symbols that were on their clothes, and the plates of their vehicles that we destroyed, which bear the names of those mercenary factions.

He revealed what happened to the countryside of al-Bab city, the area of its recent deployment, "The occupation mercenaries launched 5 attacks on the village of al-Buwaij, and recently launched a strong attack on the village of al-Bugaz, but our forces were able to confront them and inflicted heavy losses on them, and the mercenaries fled after their failed attempts to target the forces and enter the village "Leaving behind them the bodies of their dead and their vehicles."

He pledged that their forces are ready to confront all attacks launched by the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation, and said: "Since the establishment of the Kurdish Front forces in 2013, they have been fighting these mercenaries and are still on this approach, taking the defense of our people and our land as the basis for our struggle."

Abu Abdo noted that the Kurdish Front forces fought the mercenaries of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhet al-Nusra), since their appearance in 2013 in the battles of Aleppo, Tal Abyad, Raqqa and Sere Kaniye, and were able to eliminate them in those areas, confirming their victory again.

The commander of the Kurdish Front forces, Abdo Kafr Saghir, confirmed that they will achieve victory and eliminate anyone who tries to harm the security and stability of their regions, and they will not hesitate in their struggle until the liberation of all occupied Syrian lands and the expulsion of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries from the country.

T/ Satt.