​​​​​​​Bedran Çiya Kurd: Map of Astana will pose a great danger

​​​​​​​Bedran Çiya Kurd indicated that the road map discussed in the Astana meeting will form several alliances against the Syrian people, so if Damascus communicates with Ankara, the Syrian crisis will move to a new stage, and he said: "The situation will become more complicated and worse for everyone in the region."

​​​​​​​Bedran Çiya Kurd: Map of Astana will pose a great danger
22 June 2023   21:49

The co-chair of the Department of External Relations in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Bedran Çiya Kurd, spoke to ANHA’s agency about the twentieth Astana meeting, the statements against the Autonomous Administration and the way to solve the Syrian crisis.

"The Astana Group has moved to a new stage"

Bedran Çiya Kurd commented on the Astana meeting, referring to the transition of the Astana group to a new stage, and said: "We did not expect anything different from the Astana meeting. The political approach of these meetings is clear from the beginning, and the issues they have been discussing since 2017 and their point of view regarding the Syrian issue is clear." The Damascus government also attended these meetings, and became part of the Astana group. The Astana group is moving to a new stage, and there are a number of main issues that will be discussed in this new stage, and this is what resulted from this meeting as well, one of these issues is how to cooperate in solving border problems and their definition of terrorism was set at the whim of the Turkish state, as they mean the Autonomous Administration, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and the Kurds in general. Some groups in Idlib could also fall under this adjective, at the request of the Damascus government.

"The accusation of AANES is a Turkish demand"

Bedran Çiya Kurd denounced the clause of the meeting, which considered the Autonomous Administration a project to divide Syria and considered it "great hypocrisy." There was no talk about the governments under Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Muslim Brotherhood during the meeting, although the projects being implemented there under the auspices of Turkey are well known to be occupation projects aimed at dividing Syria, but they always resort to accusing the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian Democratic Forces of various accusations. It indicates that the Turkish state puts all its weight in these meetings and strives for the results to be as it wants. They show that the Autonomous Administration poses a threat to Turkish national security, and this is a complete lie. The Turkish state is the one that poses a threat to the national security of Syria and the regions of North and East Syria. And they did not During this meeting, they talk about the occupation carried out by the Turkish state, the extremist mercenary groups under the control of the Turkish state, absolutely, and this indicates that the draft of this meeting is in line with Turkey's desires and whims."

"The road map will be against the Syrians"

“Now, after this meeting, the focus will be on the relations between Turkey and Syria.” With these words, Bedran Çiya Kurd referred to the efforts of the road map adopted by the meeting, and said: “They will seek to develop relations between Damascus and Ankara and intensify agreements, and this will be particularly in the military and intelligence aspects.” And the aforementioned security, the road map that they are talking about is drawn up by Russia to create rapprochement between the two parties, as they will work on how the two regimes can agree and cooperate with each other, many alliances will be formed against the people of the region, the Autonomous Administration and the Syrians, this is a great danger and a grave mistake by the Damascus government. "It cooperated with the Turkish state, and this will be a wrong policy that exposes Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity to great danger. Therefore, the Damascus government must review itself and not fall into these mistakes. In this way, the Syrian crisis is moving to a new phase, and the situation will become more complicated and worse for everyone in the region."

They condemned the Israeli attacks, and the Turkish attacks..."

Bedran Çiya Kurd touched on the meeting’s discussion of the Israeli attacks and humanitarian problems in Syria, saying: “The meeting discussed the humanitarian problems in Syria, how to lift economic sanctions, increase humanitarian aid, and start reconstruction. But the position of countries supporting humanitarian issues is clear, as they say it is not possible to start.” the reconstruction process in Syria unless there is a political change. They added clauses related to the Israeli attacks on Syria, as they condemn them and consider them not in line with international laws. This is hypocrisy, because the Turkish state attacks our areas daily, killing civilians, but no one talks about these attacks "These attacks also resulted in the loss of many members of the Damascus government, but they are not talked about either. If the Syrian territories are being violated, they must be taken into account and a stand should be taken regarding them. Serious decisions must be taken to end the occupation and stop these Turkish attacks."

And the deputy foreign minister in the Damascus government, Ayman Soussan, stated in an interview with a Russian station, during the Astana meeting, that the Kurdish file will be completely closed with America's exit from Syria, and in this context, Bedran Çiya Kurd described this statement as a "misinterpretation and reason" and said: "The issue Kurdish issue inside Syria is considered a democratic issue, and this issue did not arise due to the presence or absence of America in the region. It is a national issue inside Syria for decades. Therefore, it must be viewed in a democratic context and resolved on this basis. Even if the Damascus government believes that America will withdraw from Here it will control everywhere and eliminate all that is called the Kurds and democracy, it is mistaken. The problems inside Syria cannot be solved in this way. The way to a solution is through a real and serious dialogue that leads to the agreement of all the Syrian parties. And if the Damascus government thought of resolving it in any other way, it would be wrong and it will push the region towards a bigger crisis out of control. The Damascus government should not think that its relations with the Arab countries will improve, and its relations with Turkey will also improve, so it will be able to solve all its problems without reaching a political agreement or political change. Syrian problems cannot be solved based on this accounts. Because this country needs political change. In this way, problems can be prevented.

The dialogue has been dormant for now.”

Ayman Soussan stated in the same meeting that they do not have any relations with the Autonomous Administration, but their dialogues are progressing with some Kurdish parties. But this did not happen, and the dialogue has suspended until now, and this is because of the mentality of the Damascus government and its lack of openness to change. They think of "Turkey will attack, and then we will reach an understanding with the Autonomous Administration for free, or America will withdraw and we will bridge that gap," and for this they do not see that there is a need for dialogue with the Autonomous Administration and the people of The region. The Damascus government is forced to enter into contacts with the people of North and East Syria, including the Kurds, and develop a serious dialogue. Otherwise, if it wants to find alternatives for itself and ignore the status quo in North and East Syria, it is deceiving itself. The Autonomous Administration and the Syrian Democratic Forces and their apparatus must be addressed. For the sake of a solution, it is not possible to address anyone else but her.

Who are these Kurdish parties?

Bedran Çiya Kurd explained that they do not know who the Kurdish parties are, which the Damascus government says it is talking to and which parties they mean, and indicated that there can be no other interlocutors for the solution other than the Autonomous Administration, and he continued his speech saying: "Perhaps there are people who have no authority and it has no effect, if it means such people and considers them to represent the Kurds or the region and negotiates with them, then this is not considered appropriate and cannot be accepted by the people of the region. The Damascus government must negotiate with the main interlocutors (parties), and if it ignores these main parties, then this means that there is no intention this government has a solution, and it only seeks to extend its influence and restore its institutions again. Many sacrifices have been made, and the people of the region will never accept this."

What are the obstacles to dialogue?

In conclusion, the co-chair of the Department of External Relations in the Autonomous Administration, Bedran Çiya Kurd, spoke about the obstacles that stand in the way of dialogue between Damascus and Qamishlo and said: "The mentality of the Damascus government stands as an obstacle to political dialogue to create change. This is a real problem in the development of dialogue. Several meetings have been held. However, the obstacle has always been the Damascus government's insistence on returning to before 2011. The guarantor countries do not have projects for a solution. This leads to the Damascus government sticking to its position. The division between the Syrian parties and the lack of a joint project among all Syrians as an alternative and bringing about political change also constitutes a problem. The Autonomous Administration can, without any doubt, become part of the solution as a political and democratic project, but it cannot advance the political solution in Syria on its own, because the Syrian crisis has become a regional and international issue, so there are many parties and forces concerned with the Syrian crisis, and it must "There will be an effective agreement once. There are many obstacles to the Autonomous Administration inside and outside Syria. The political struggle continues. Work is underway to form a democratic front with the democratic opposition groups."

T/ Satt.


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