Cattle is not watered this way, Mr. Bogdanov! – Dia’ a Iskandar

Cattle is not watered this way, Mr. Bogdanov! – Dia’ a Iskandar
23 June 2023   01:55

After two days of discussions (June 20-21), the twentieth international meeting on Syria ended in the Kazakh capital, Astana, without reaching a formula for rapprochement and normalization between the Syrian and Turkish regimes, as the Russian and Iranian sponsors had hoped, or any signs of a political solution to the Syrian crisis on the horizon.

The meeting resulted in a statement that does not differ in content from the previous statements, issued at the end of the past nineteen meetings, in terms of stressing the unity, integrity and sovereignty of the Syrian territories, etc... to the point that it reminds us of the Syrian parliamentary elections and the joke that accompanies every polling process; Ensure that the results of the elections can be known easily even before they are held.

Perhaps what drew the most attention in this tour were the statements made by the Russian President's envoy to the Middle East and North Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov, hours before the meeting, in which he described the Autonomous Administration as a "separatist project" and that the United States prevents dialogue between it and the Syrian regime. Considering that Washington "supports a number of Kurdish organizations that reside within the Autonomous Administration, and this is totally unacceptable, as it violates the territorial integrity and integrity of Syria."

The Autonomous Administration, which distanced itself from engaging in such nonsense, said in its response to these statements that it "enjoys full independence in its Syrian national decision, and that it is not betting on anyone's decision, and refuses to involve it in files, contentious issues and conflicts between international and regional powers, and it has a Syrian national project." It believes in it." Stressing "its full readiness for dialogue with any party to serve Syria and its interest."

Cattle is not watered this way, Mr. Bogdanov!, Bogdanov!

In fact, describing the Autonomous Administration as "separatist" is not new in the statements of a number of Russian officials - led by Lavrov and Lavrentiev - who have been accusing it of false accusations. And now Bogdanov joins the chorus of accusers. All of them ignored the initiative announced by the Autonomous Administration on April 18 to solve the Syrian crisis and put an end to the suffering of the Syrians. In which it emphasized the unity of the Syrian lands, the fair distribution of wealth and economic resources among all Syrian regions through dialogue and negotiation, and inviting everyone to participate and contribute to the initiative without excluding any political force, large or small... and other items included in the initiative, which clearly refer to it sincere patriotic speech. However, it was ignored and disregarded, whether by the Damascus government or by the "guarantor" states.

The unfortunate irony in the statements of Russian officials is the double standards with which they have always described their opponents. which we will discuss later.

We may have some observations on the performance of the Autonomous Administration, but no fair person can forget its role in fighting ISIS mercenaries, Jabhat al-Nusra and the like. It provided more than 11,000 martyrs and more than twice that number of wounded, disabled and missing people... until it eliminated ISIS mercenaries, and contributed to protecting - not only the area it runs - from the threat of terrorism, but even the rest of the Syrian regions and neighboring countries. It is also impossible to deny or ignore its role in bridging the great vacuum by managing nearly a third of the Syrian area, in which more than 5 million people live, after the Damascus government left it.

Bogdanov and his ilk do not see all this

As for Turkey, which occupied four times what Israel occupied from the Syrian lands, and is carrying out a large-scale demographic change in the areas it occupied, using the same old colonial methods in its worst forms; From the policy of systematic Turkification and forcing citizens to use the Turkish lira in commercial dealings, raising the Turkish flag on buildings and institutions, adopting the Turkish educational curriculum in schools, changing the names of cities, towns and villages, stealing antiquities and cutting down trees and supporting the most severe terrorist organizations (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and other factions) and carrying out terrorist practices.

Everyone knows that the Autonomous Administration was excluded throughout the crisis from any negotiating activity related to resolving the Syrian crisis. From the date of the issuance of UN Resolution No. (2,254) in 2015, through the meetings of the Troika countries (Russia, Iran and Turkey) in Astana and Sochi, and the formation of the Constitutional Committee... up to date.

This unjustified exclusion has never been in the interest of resolving the Syrian crisis in any way.

Will Russia and Iran put pressure on the Damascus government to witness a meeting between representatives of the Autonomous Administration and representatives of the Damascus government, while not excluding any opposition political force in the country that actually believes in a political solution, so that dialogue and negotiation begin to get rid of this crisis that has lasted a lot, and for the people of the country to enjoy the beginning of the end of his pain and suffering We guarantee that the crisis will not recur in the future, leading to a new Syria. Secular, democratic, decentralized, just and strong?

T/ Satt.