KDP arbitrariness against Rojava once again

The Kurdistan Democratic Party has once again closed the gates of the Semalka-Faysh Khabur border crossing in the face of the regions of North and East Syria, which is the weapon that the party has always used against the people of the region and has been renewed several times for political motives that go beyond humanitarian principles.

KDP arbitrariness against Rojava once again
16 May 2023   21:52

The closure of the Semalka border crossing has become the talk of the population in the regions of North and East Syria, due to its great importance for the humanitarian aspect in the first place as well as the economic one, at a time when the siege imposed by several parties on the region is intensifying with political motives aimed at harming the lives of the population, and inciting the street against the Autonomous Administration.

On Thursday, May 11, the KDP authorities that control the Faysh Khabour crossing issued a decision to close the border crossing separating the regions of North and East Syria and Southern Kurdistan, without notifying the Semalka crossing administration.

Semalka…the story from day one

The Semalka-Faysh Khabour crossing is one of the most prominent border crossings linking the regions of North and East Syria with the neighborhood, along with other crossings, most notably: Aoun al-Dadat crossing, Umm Jalud and al-Tayha in rural Manbij, and the closed al-Tabqa and Tal Koçer / al-Yabriyeh crossings.

In 2013, the Semalka crossing was officially opened to connect the regions of Rojava and Başûr (Southern) Kurdistan, for humanitarian, economic and commercial purposes.

The importance of the crossing lies - and still is - for Rojava in that it is the only outlet that links the region with the outside, especially at the beginning of the revolution when the region was witnessing a suffocating siege from all sides, so the Semalka crossing was an outlet with great influence.

The crossing was mainly used for the movement of patients and humanitarian cases between the two parties, in addition to commercial exchange in terms of transporting foodstuffs and goods.

The crossing is also considered an essential port for importing and bringing medical medicines to the regions of North and East Syria, in addition to the movement of humanitarian organizations and the relief aid provided by these organizations.

Politics over human affairs!

Since the opening of the Semalka crossing, and until today, the crossing has been closed by the Kurdistan Democratic Party several times, in August 2020, and in February and December 2021, and in February it prevented the crossing of humanitarian aid for those affected by the earthquake.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party uses the Faysh Khabur crossing as a card of blackmail and political pressure against the regions of Rojava and North and East Syria, through repeated closures and arbitrary measures that are imposed on the existing movement.

In the middle of 2021, KDP set a condition for submitting a "form" submitted by the person who wishes to cross from Rojava to Başûr, and it is considered by the Kurdistan Democratic Party. If it is approved, the person will be able to cross, and if it is not approved, the crossing will not happen.

The form is like a request for a visit, which the administration of the Faysh-Khabour crossing requires the visitor to submit, but the information included in the request raises many questions.

Looking at the form, it is noted that the information contained within it is incapacitating and controversial, as it includes the most accurate details about the person who wants to visit the Kurdistan region, starting with the name, current and previous residence address, phone number in Rojava and Başûr Kurdistan, religion, nationality, the address of the place he will visit, and mentioning a name and number. The person he would like to visit and the objectives of his visit.

Since this measure was taken, travel between the regions of North and East Syria and Başûr Kurdistan has decreased, according to the Crossings Administration in North and East Syria.

This formula, it was said at the beginning that the decision to decide on it, in terms of approval or not, will be made within 48 hours, but now the process drags on for many months, and sometimes the applicant does not get any response, and therefore he is unable to travel.

The formula itself is one of the aspects of the KDP's political dealings with the crossing, as many applications are not approved due to political considerations or the political background of the applicant.

Observers confirm that the "form" is submitted to the offices of the so-called "Kurdish National Council" in Rojava and Başûr Kurdistan, and all applications are rejected if the applicant's vision differs from that of the Council, which is mainly linked to the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Crossing management: We always emphasize that the crossing is limited to humanitarian affairs


The director of relations at the Semalka Baz Ahmed crossing confirms in a statement to ANHA’s agency that the closure of the crossing from the other side is always politically motivated.

Baz Ahmed explained that the crossing was closed 4 to 5 times since its opening until today from the other side, and it did not happen that they closed it, and he confirmed that they had expressed their hope on more than one occasion that the crossing would be restricted to humanitarian affairs.

Recently, news has been circulated that the American side is mediating to open the crossing, but there is nothing new in this regard so far, as the doors of the crossing are still closed to the people of Rojava and North and East Syria by a decision of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

The KDP authorities invoke arguments such as preventing political delegations from crossing to Başûr, as well as attempts to transport explosives, to divert attention from the manipulation they are doing in the file of the crossing, and blackmailing the region's administration politically.

Commenting on the closure of the crossing, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria said in a statement: "The closure of the Semalka border crossing with the Kurdistan Region took place without informing us of any reasonable reasons, not even informing us of any details, and it was taken unilaterally by the Kurdistan Democratic Party."

In the statement it published on Saturday, May 13, the administration said, "We look forward that this crossing will not be invested in any way as a tool and means of political pressure against our regions, and we stress the need to neutralize it and liberate it from some narrow political positions. We hope that the language of reason prevails in this file and that it does not the crossing turns into a tool of provocation every time and every once in a while.”

And it emphasized that: "Our people are still steadfast and looking for ways to survive, and so are moody decisions that would serve parties looking for all ways to undermine our people and their gains."

The administration of the Semalka crossing confirmed that the administration of Faysh Khabur fabricates accusations and tries to cover up its practices and violations against the people of Rojava.

Anticipation still prevails in Rojava and North and East Syria, as it is expected that the negative impact of the closure of the crossing will affect many aspects of life in the region, and it seems that this is what the Kurdistan Democratic Party seeks.

T/ Satt.