​​​​​​​Ocalan ideology contributes to solve societies’ issues

Political and civil figures confirmed that the peoples of the Middle East found in the thought and philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan a solution to the problems they face, stressing the need to achieve his physical freedom, and to release the owner of the solution to those outstanding issues.

​​​​​​​Ocalan ideology contributes to solve societies’ issues
16 May 2023   21:05

The Turkish occupation state continues to impose isolation on the leader Abdullah Ocalan and deprive him of all his rights in Imrali prison, amid shameful silence by human rights and humanitarian organizations.


A member of the Legal Affairs Office in the western countryside of Deir ez-Zor, Mahmoud al-Shalash, said, "The Turkish occupation state is following illegal methods against the leader Abdullah Ocalan, by imposing strict isolation on him and preventing his family and lawyers from meeting him and not revealing his health condition."

He stressed that "the countries conspiring against the project of the democratic nation failed to achieve their endeavors, because the peoples of the Middle East found in the philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan the way to salvation from political, economic and social crises, and this confirms the failure of these countries."

He explained, "What happened in NE, Syria proves the success and victory of this philosophy over the forces of darkness and the terrorism of ISIS/ Daesh, which receives support from many countries, foremost of which is the Turkish occupation state."

He continued, "The leader Abdullah Ocalan has been waging a continuous struggle for years in order to achieve peace and freedom. We, the people of NE, Syria and the people of Deir-ez-Zor, especially condemn the fascist Turkish policies and violations against the leader Abdullah Ocalan."

Al-Shalash called on humanitarian and legal organizations to work according to their charters and put pressure on the Turkish occupation state to grant leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom.


The co-chair of the Education Committee of the Deir ez-Zor Civil Council, Amina Al-Saleh, agrees with the jurist in the goals of the Turkish occupation state of isolation to foil democratic nation project that prevents the Turkish occupation to achieve its goals.

She emphasized that the democratic nation project has proven successful in NE, Syria, and it is a project that achieved intimacy and peace among all the components of the region.

On the way to achieve the physical freedom of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, she said, "Women, through their implementation of the project of the democratic nation, will lead the struggle for freedom and building a free and democratic society, and we will work with all our energies to spread the thought and philosophy of the leader Abdullah Ocalan."


The head of the Council of the Future Syria Party in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, Yahya Al-Marai, indicated that the Turkish occupation state continues to violate international norms and protocols for political detainees, the Turkish occupation still violates laws and international standers by arresting political activists in general and internationalist leader Abdula Ocalan in particular.

And he indicated, "The Turkish occupation state follows many methods of torture against the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and imposes disciplinary and illegal penalties against him, because of its fear of his thought and philosophy, and undermining the will of the free peoples who were able to rise up against Erdogan and his mercenaries."


Likewise, the administrator in the office of the Zenobia Women's Assembly in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, Mona Al-Awaid, said, "The Turkish occupation state is trying by various means to prevent the spread of the democratic nation's project in the region because it threatens its colonial interests in the Middle East."

And she stressed that it is the responsibility of women and the people of North and East Syria to intensify the struggle to achieve the physical freedom of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, because all the security and stability that this people enjoy is thanks to the thought of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and the sacrifices of the people of the region.

And she said, "From this standpoint, we call on everyone to rise up against Turkish fascism by joining hands and participating in events and activities that call for breaking the strict isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan and achieving his physical freedom."

At the end of her speech, Mona Al-Awaid stressed that all countries, humanitarian organizations and people of conscience who seek to resolve the Syrian crisis and the crises of the Middle East must take a real stance towards the isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is the owner of the solution to Middle Eastern issues.

T/ Satt.